OUR BROTHER’S SON Submission - Unlikely Heroes Play LLC Auditions

Posted December 4, 2021
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OUR BROTHER’S SON - Unlikely Heroes Play LLC


Unlikely Heroes Play LLC


Off Broadway $693 weekly minimum


Equity actors for roles in OUR BROTHER’S SON (see breakdown).

All stage managerial positions have been filled.


Please submit a self-tape of a contemporary monologue, no longer than 1 minute. It can be either dramatic or comedic, but as the world of the show is based in realism, that would be ideal. Please upload your video(s) to a platform like YouTube, Vimeo, etc to https://airtable.com/shrFTv3hqGIE6Ta0T. Please fill out the form in its entirety, and upload your picture and resume, as well as a link to your submission. (Please do not send any videos as attachments via e-mail or any other source)

Deadline: Thu, Dec 16, 2021


Director: David Alpert
Writer: Charles Gluck
General Manager: Lisa Dozier King
Casting Director: Jason Styres / The Casting Collaborative (viewing auditions)


Rehearsal: 1/24/2022
Tech: 2/19 - 2/23/2022
Preview: 2/25/2022
Opening: 3/6/2022
Closing: 5/8/2022


Signature Theatre (199-seat)

We will not be able to reply to every submission. The casting team will reach out via the contact information you have provided (via the Airtable form) should we need anything additional.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.


SYNOPSIS: A story primarily centered around three siblings, LEO, DAVID, and GAIL. Rather than consult a doctor, LEO takes handfuls of OTC painkillers for his arthritic hip and induces renal failure. A poor candidate for dialysis, he must reach out to his family members for a kidney donation. The required genetic testing uncovers a deeply hidden secret which tears the family to pieces. Despite the seemingly insurmountable and emotionally charged circumstances, LEO’S urgent medical needs forces everyone to draw their own personal lines between self-preservation and family loyalty.


[ LEO ] Male-identified, 60. The undisputed “alpha male” of the family. Husband of SUSAN, older brother and senior business partner of DAVID, older brother of GAIL, brother-in-law to MINDY, and uncle to BRADLEY.

[ DAVID ] Male-identified, 55. Submissive and honorable, younger brother and junior business partner of LEO, husband of MINDY, father of Bradley, older brother of GAIL, and brother-in-law to SUSAN.

[ GAIL ] Female-identified, 49. Single, fearful, and fiercely independent, younger sister of LEO and DAVID, sister-in-law to SUSAN and MINDY, and aunt to BRADLEY.

[ SUSAN ] Female-identified, 40s-60s. Dependent, private, kind, and unfulfilled. Wife of LEO, sister-in-law to GAIL, DAVID and MINDY, aunt to BRADLEY.

[ MINDY ] Female-identified, 40s-60s. Dominant with an acerbic wit and venomous bite (mostly originating from her resentment and fears). Wife of DAVID, mother of BRADLEY, sister-in-law to LEO, SUSAN, and GAIL.

[ BRADLEY ] Male-identified, 20s. Twenty-something video gamer. Brilliant and stuck, wrestling with an anger born from deep sadness. Living in limbo (and his parents’ basement) post-graduation, escapes into a fantasy world through gaming. Son of MINDY and DAVID, nephew to LEO, SUSAN, and GAIL.

[ SWINGS ] There will also be three (3) swings to cover various roles above.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

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