LANES COVEN THEATER CO 2022 SEASON Submission - Lanes Coven Theater Co Auditions

Posted May 6, 2022
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LANES COVEN THEATER CO 2022 SEASON - Lanes Coven Theater Co


Lanes Coven Theater Co


SPT $375 weekly minimum (Tier 3)


Equity actors for roles in Lanes Coven Theater Co's 2022 Season (see breakdown).

Local actors are encouraged to submit.


SEE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS IN BREAKDOWN. Please email your video submission along with your headshot/resume.

Deadline: Wed, May 18, 2022



Viewing All Submissions:
Artistic Director/Producer: Lily Narbonne
Co-Artistic Director/Director of MACBETH: Justin Genna

Viewing MONKEY Submissions
Playwright of MONKEY: Rachel Greenhoe
Director of MONKEY: Aaron Kitchin


First rehearsal: July 26
Outdoor Performances at Windhover Center for the Performing Arts: August 11-14 and 18-21

First rehearsal: October 25
Indoor Performances at Gloucester Stage: November 10-13, 17-20


Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.



For MONKEY: Please briefly share something about yourself in your slate, read a material of your choice to yourself for 10 seconds to showcase your natural state of being, and submit sides for your chosen role at , If a reader is not accessible to you, you may perform a brief comedic monologue.

For MACBETH: Please submit a Shakespeare monologue.

MACBETH by William Shakespeare

Directed by Justin Genna, SPT Tier 3


Track 1- CAST. Duncan, Porter, Siward. Any ethnicity, any gender, 60+.

Track 2- CAST. Witch 1, Malcolm, Murderer 2. Any ethnicity, any gender, 20-35.

Track 3- CAST Macbeth. Any ethnicity, 25-40. Originally Thane of Glamis under King Duncan, then becomes Thane of Cawdor, and finally king of Scotland. Character will sword fight.

Track 4- CAST Witch 2, Lady Macbeth, Old Man. Any ethnicity, 25-40. Wife to Macbeth. Witch 2: works well in an ensemble. Old Man: one scene with Ross, has wisdom but is much lower status than the Thanes.

Track 5- CAST. Banquo, Doctor. Any ethnicity, any gender, 30-45. Macbeth’s better half, a strong warrior, able to go toe to toe with the best on the battlefield.

Track 6 - Any ethnicity and any gender. Murderer 1, Apparition, Seyton, Young Siward.

Track 7- CAST. Macduff. Any ethnicity, any gender, 25-40. The Thane of Fife, in an opposite trajectory to Macbeth, morally opposed to Macbeth’s ruthless ambition. Trying to be on the right side of Scotland’s history… character will swordfight.

Track 8- Lennox. Any ethnicity, any gender, 25-40. Thane who is loyal to house Macbeth. Looks for ways to discredit his/her/their rival Thane, Ross.

Track 9- Ross. Any ethnicity, any gender, 20-35. By the book Thane, cousin to the MacDuffs.

Track 10- CAST Witch 3, Lady Macduff, Gentle Woman. Any ethnicity, 25-40. Witch 3: works well in an ensemble. Lady Macduff- wife of Macduff. Gentlewoman-Nurse who cares for Lady Macbeth.

MONKEY World Premiere, by Rachel Greenhoe

Directed by Aaron Kitchin, SPT Tier 3

Susan’s lived a relatively sheltered life, but when she starts dating Margaret, she finally has to
confront the stresses of adulthood while managing her own “monkey mind.”


Susan- Female/non-binary, any ethnicity. Early-to-mid 20s. A nervous people-pleaser. She came out without fanfare, dropped out of college with only a murmur of disapproval, and moved in with her cousin with a mild “good for you” from her family. Mild and prone to joking when nervous, Susan has a huge untapped reservoir of anger. She considers her mother her best friend. The feeling is not mutual.

Sue- Female/non-binary, any ethnicity. Early-to-mid 20s. The other half of Susan’s personality. She’s everything that Susan keeps
inside. She is jealous, possessive, and angry. She finds herself hilarious. She is not the part of the personality that holds romantic attraction or familial love, so she feels very little connection to anyone who is not herself or Susan. While, to some degree, she is impulsivity personified, she is an integral part of Susan’s personality.

Kate- CAST, possible replacements will be considered. Female, any ethnicity. Late 20s. A permanent literature major who was destined for a life of teaching before suddenly losing both parents. The loss made her shut down. She developed mild agoraphobia which she has done absolutely nothing to address. She now lives off of her parents' life insurance and, for all her snark and bravado, she has absolutely no plans for when it runs out. Snarky, condescending, and prickly are de facto personality traits for her.

Margaret- Female/non-binary, any ethnicity. Mid-to-late 20s. Margaret grew up at the edge of poverty with two alcoholic parents. She started drinking at 13 and left home permanently at 17. Eventually she found bike repair and sobriety in that order. She’s a strict follower of AA and NA, and very rarely allows herself to take breaks. She’s never been anything but open about her homosexuality, but her family generally ignores it, and she ignores them ignoring it. A very literal person, Margaret sympathizes with, but does not understand, people who are not able to do the things she does.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

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