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INFINITY THEATRE COMPANY Equity Principal Audition - Infinity Theatre Company Auditions

Posted March 14, 2011
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INFINITY THEATRE COMPANY - Infinity Theatre Company

Infinity Theatre Company – Equity Principal Auditions

Annapolis MD SPT (approval/salary level pending; expected minimum weekly salary: $328) and TYA (periodic performance contract: $11/hour for rehearsals, $78 per performance (Actor/ASM)).

Producing Artistic Dirs: Anna Roberts Ostroff and Alan Ostroff

CD: Michael Cassara, CSA

Equity Principal Auditions:

Friday, April 1, 2011 Actors' Equity Association Audition Center

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 165 West 46th Street, 2nd Floor

Lunch from 1 - 2. New York City

Please prepare EITHER a) A brief song (brief, swinging jazz standard for MY WAY (no musical theatre please); for LITTLE SHOP: song in the style of the show) OR b) A brief monologue appropriate for a children’s theatre/family audience OR c) Two contrasting 16-bar selections OR d) 16 bars and a one-minute monologue. If singing, bring sheet music in the correct key; accompanist is provided, but may not transpose.

Please bring a picture & resume, stapled back-to-back.

All dates are in 2011. All roles are available (i.e. not yet offered and accepted) unless otherwise specified. For pre-cast roles, auditioning performers will be considered as possible replacements, should any become necessary.

MY WAY by Todd Olson. Concept: David Grapes and T. Olson. Dir: Matthew Schneider. Mus Dir: David Libby. 1st reh (NYC): On/about 5/31. Runs (in Annapolis): 6/16-7/10. SPT production.

Man #1:

40-60. Deep, rich velvety baritone voice. He is the leader of the group, sets the tone and style for the show, and has a natural appeal and strong sense of "cool." Actor needs a strong vocal instrument and a feel for Sinatra's unusual phrasing and style. He sings close harmony, moves well (tap dance skills are a plus), and projects Sinatra's trademark style and sophistication (without doing any sort of impression of Sinatra).

Woman #1:

40-60. Sensual and attractive. A character out of the Rat Pack period - a "classy dame" who drips with sophistication, strength and class. Her vocal style is based on great "torch singers" who can sing with great emotion and power. Strong mezzo soprano who also belts. Dark, smoky sound preferred. Must be able to sing close harmony. Moves well.

Man #2:

CAST. 25-35. Physical contrast to Man #1, Carries much of the show's humor and lighter moments – he spends much of the show learning to be “cool” – so actor needs a natural flair for comedy. Strong legit lyric baritone/tenor voice. Has the crooning style of Sinatra's early years; excellent part singer. Moves well.

Woman #2:

CAST. 20-35. Energetic, youthful and fresh, as well as sexy. Strong mezzo soprano who sings some higher soprano parts. Voice is lighter and provides a contrast to the darker sound required of Woman #1. Must be a capable part singer. Dancer with tap skills a plus.

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS Music: Alan Menken. Book/Lyrics: Howard Ashman. Dir: Tina Marie Casamento. Mus Dir: David Libby. 1st reh (tentative, in NYC): 6/20. 1st reh (Annapolis): On/about 6/27. Runs 7/15-8/7. SPT production.


Mid 20s - early 30s. Quirky young character-type. Charming and lovable hero. Comic abilities needed. Contemporary tenor.


Late 20s - early 30s. Not too bright, but heart of gold. Role for a character leading lady with sweet, sexy and comic qualities. Strong soprano mix belter.


Late 40s+. Gruff, pushy businessman and self-centered boss. Role for a comic character actor. Baritone.

Orin / Others:

Multi-role track for one actor. Orin: Tall, dark and handsome. Sadistic, egotistical dentist. Track requires an actor who can create several interesting and distinct characters. Baritenor.

Crystal, Ronnette and Chiffon:

African American females, teens – 20s (seeking performers 18+. “Street urchins” – young and hip. Roles require talented singers who can blend well together, hold harmonies and blow the roof off as soloists – in addition to creating distinctly different characters. Pop belt gospel voices.

Audrey II Offstage Voice:

Seeking actor with ability to create a large character with his voice, and to interact as a presence with the onstage actors. Big bass voice. Actor will also be used onstage in some “ensemble” numbers.

Audrey II Puppeteer:

Actor manipulates the plant Audrey II. Be prepared to discuss puppetry experience at the audition. Actor will also be used onstage in some “ensemble” numbers.

STORIES – LIVE AND IN PERSON by Alan Ostroff. Dir TBA. 1st reh (NYC): On/about 5/2. Opens 5/14. Closing TBA. TYA production.

Show will tour to local youth organizations in and around Annapolis, including Children’s Theatre of Annapolis.

Actors will be hired as Actor/ASMs, responsible for load in/setting up and striking the set and sound system for each show, as well as for rehearsals once the set is being used for rehearsals.

Tommy / Tyrone Edwin / Willy the Fork:

One actor plays all. Non-singing track. Tommy: Nerdy inventor, dedicated to creating a time machine. Sometimes goes into trances in which he travels in time. Tyrone: Great Shakespearean actor and all around pompous blowhard. Will do anything to keep the spotlight. Willy: Multi-billionaire criminal mastermind who recently served a prison sentence; now doing community service by leading a seminar that will show how good he can be

Sophie / Little Girl / Mild-Mannered Storyteller:

CAST. One actress plays all. Non-singing track. Sophie: Scientist, dedicated to finding the secrets of space travel. Not afraid to give a knuckle sandwich to anyone who doubts her genius. Little Girl: Can't help interrupting the play “Hamlet” from the audience, and even saying when she thinks she can do it better – which she can for pretty much anything, in her mind. Storyteller: Old lady (who really is a superhero beneath her dull exterior).

If unable to attend, please mail picture/resume to ATTN: Infinity, Michael Cassara Casting, 333 W. 39th Street – Suite 601A, New York NY 10018. Or e-mail

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