Call Type Equity Chorus
Date of Audition 3/19/2012
Location Paramount's North Island Center Building 8 E. Galena Blvd. Aurora, IL 60506 across the street from The Paramount Theatre
Time(s) Monday, March 19th Male Dancers: 10 AM; sign-up begins 9:30 Female Dancers: 2 PM; sign-up begins 1:30
Appointments No Appointments; this is a chorus call. Equity members will be seen first.
> Chorus rules are in effect. > A monitor will be provided.
Personnel Director Michael Unger, Choreographer Anthony Foster, Artistic Director Jim Corti, and Production Manager Jennette Birch will attend with casting authority.
Other Dates 1st rehearsal August 20 Show runs September 12-September 30
Contract LOA to COST; Actor min. $639/wk
Seeking Male and Female Actor/Singers, to play high-school aged (exception: Vince, Teen Angel and Miss Lynch); see breakdown. Youthful energy, exuberance, angst and sense of fun are key. See breakdown.
Breakdown A breakdown has been added for this notice. See below.
Preparation Be warmed up, ready to dance at call time. You may be asked to stay and sing. Prepare 32 bars each of 2 contrasting songs appropriate to the show (from show OK) and be prepared to sing full song if asked. Bring music; accompanist provided. Bring 2 headshots/resumes
Other Chorus Singers will be seen at the Equity Performer Audition on Saturday, March 17th at the Actors Equity Building; see separate notice.
Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
Looking to cast young performers that appear to be high-school aged – with the exception of Vince, Teen Angel and Miss Lynch. Youthful energy, exuberance, angst and a sense of fun are the keys to this production. Every character in this show is at a post-adolescent crossroads so stakes are high. We also want to know if those auditioning play an instrument. This is not essential to casting but if performers have an instrument as a special skill, they are encouraged to bring them in (if portable). We will have rudimentary drums and, of course, a piano at the auditions. Again, playing an instrument is NOT required. As with any group, high school or not, “the gang” is defined by those within it. Therefore, our gang will only define its group personality after we learn (and make use of) the skills of the individual players – whatever those skills may be. Therefore, we are looking for diversity in every sense of the word. ALL ethnic types, please.
DANNY (20s to play teens) – The leader of the “Burger Palace Boys.” A leading man who can play jock and sensitive kid at the same time. Charming, confident, but not entirely skilled at balancing his cool self with his emotional self. He has the potential to be a much more evolved human being than he is – but he’s not quite ready yet. He has to keep up appearances to his friends but doesn’t fully understand the emotional cost of putting (immature) friends before (budding) romance. Most likely to succeed – but only in his own neighborhood - in the yearbook.
SANDY (20s to play teens) – A sweet, wholesome girl who has the potential to be less than sweet and wholesome should the need arise. Her innocence is from lack of experience but she is smart enough to size up those around her and figure out how their insecurities drive them to certain actions. When she finally realizes she should join, rather than beat “them” her transformation is complete proving that she can best even the most experienced of the Pink Ladies. Most importantly, however, she never loses her integrity and heart. By the time she graduates, will be most likely to succeed in the all-around category - in the yearbook.
RIZZO (20s to play teens) – She is tough and sarcastic leader of the Pink Ladies. She is volatile, unpredictable and lashes out before she can be lashed at. But all of her anger and bluster covers up a vulnerable, damaged and lonely core. Most likely to punch somebody’s lights out - in the yearbook.
FRENCHY (20s to play teens) – She is the dreamer who, while not being the brightest bulb in the pack, has a heart of gold. She is very focused on a career in the beauty services industry and finds Rydell High the wrong place in which to pursue that. Her imagination is so powerful that she actually manifests a dream sequence where her choices in life are brought into very clear focus. Least likely to succeed - in the yearbook.
MARTY (20s to play teens) – She is the “beauty” of the Pink Ladies and is receiving gifts from an older boy. She doesn’t have the street experience of Rizzo but likes to think of herself as being in a more evolved universe, romantically, than her cohorts. Most likely to be a cover girl - in the yearbook.
JAN (20s to play teens) – She is the rather outspoken, pushy, always-hungry latest entry into the Pink Ladies. She is tolerated more than liked. She is very shy around the boys. Most likely to eat her way through Chicago - in the yearbook.
KENICKIE (20s to play teens) – He is the second in command of the Burger Palace Boys. He acts pretty tough and his relationship with Rizzo is likewise. He is sarcastic and always there with a quick quip. Most likely to work as a mechanic in his own garage - in the yearbook.
DOODY (20s to play teens) – He is the youngest (and perhaps smallest) of the gang. He must play (or learn how to play) guitar. He is eager to please and loves his position in the gang and looks up to the older guys. Most likely to assist somebody important - in the yearbook.
ROGER (20s to play teens) – He is the gang clown who would do anything for a laugh. He is full of mischief and half-baked schemes. He also likes to moon people. Most likely to flip burgers – and enjoy doing it - in the yearbook.
SONNY (20s to play teens) – He is of Mediterranean descent and, therefore, thinks he is a lady-killer. According to him, if any gal would go for one of the guys in the gang, they’d probably rather go with him. A real wheeler dealer. Most likely to get dumped the most times by the most girls - in the yearbook.
PATTY (20s to play teens) – She is a bubbly cheerleader who can bowl you over with her enthusiasm. As such, she is barely tolerated by the Pink Ladies. It would be helpful if she had “baton twirler” on her resume. Most likely to marry for money - in the yearbook.
CHA-CHA (20s to play teens) – (Will be pulled from the ensemble) She is a loud-mouthed interloper from another school. She fashions herself a great dancer. A fun step-out role during the school hop. Most likely to not be mentioned – in the yearbook (because she’s from another school).
EUGENE (20s to play teens) - (May be pulled from the ensemble) He is the class valedictorian and, as there is no better way to phrase it, your typical high school nerd. But he’s got high hopes. Certainly the most likely to become a successful accountant - in the yearbook.
VINCE FONTAINE (late 20s to 30s) - (May be pulled from the ensemble) – He is the (slightly cheesy/sleazy) D.J. at WAXX radio. He not only plays all the hits but at the school hop tries to hit on and make plays at all the girls. A signature trait is that there is no line from which he cannot construct a clever rhyme.
JOHNNY CASINO (20s to play teens) – (Will be pulled from ensemble) – He is the leader of one of the in-school rock bands who plays at the school hop. It would be helpful if he could play guitar.
TEEN ANGEL (20s to play teens) – He is a heartthrob, teen dream, rock star who could cause the girls to scream and riot in the late 50s. Must have strong falsetto and be willing to swing in on a rope.
MISS LYNCH (40s-60s) – An old maid English teacher. The kind our grandparents all told us about from when they were young.
6 Male and Female Ensemble (20s to play teens) – Energetic, youthful, skilled dancers and singers. Several of these performers will have smaller roles. Again, we are interested in whatever special skills they may have and whatever instruments they may play. We are looking for diverse, energetic, fun people who can give major personality to Rydell High.