Other Dates:
One cast is sought to perform in both venues.
Rehearse/perform in Flushing NY (7 train).
1st reh: 5/28/12. Runs 6/20-7/21.
Edinburgh Fringe, UK:
8/1/12: Brush up rehearsal in NYC.
8/2: Travel to Scotland.
8/3-8/4: Tech in Edinburgh venue.
Edinburgh run: 8/5-8/27 (4:30 to 5:45 (75 minutes) every day, with 2 days off (TBD) during the run).
8/28: Return to NYC.
More Contract Info:
Queens run: $571/week minimum + pension/health.
Edinburgh run: US-dollar equivalent of £250/week + per-diem. Round-trip air travel, local ground transportation, lodging (single room in multi-bedroom flat w/kitchen; easy walking distance of the Theatre).
Casting director's notes:
- "All must be excellent comic performers with well trained voices."
- "ALL performers must commit to both legs of the run [Queens and Edinburgh], do not come in unless you are interested and available for both legs."
A Soprano (20s): Female. A somewhat ditzy but sparkling young diva-in-the-making. Glorious Lyric Soprano with a high C.
A Mezzo (30-40s): Female. A smart, but no longer quite so young and sparkling performer, now consigned to the “heavy” roles, and not happy about it. Dramatic Mezzo Soprano with strength throughout range.
A Tenor (30-40s): Male. A slightly-past-his-prime romantic hero, with a very high opinion of his prowess as a performer and lover. Lyric Tenor or Bari-tenor - with high B-flat.
A Baritone (45-65): Male. A life-time veteran of 100’s of G&S productions –who can’t quite keep the roles straight anymore. Speaks mostly in garbled G&S dialogue. Comic Baritone - with good comic "patter" skills.
If unable to attend, please send a submission to ATTN: G&S, Michael Cassara Casting, 333 W. 39th Street – Suite #601A, New York NY 10018.