ANNIE – Equity Chorus Calls / Singers and Dancers calls
The Fireside Theatre Fort Atkinson, WI Fireside Dinner Theatre Agreement
$525/week minimum.
Music: Charles Strouse
Lyrics: Martin Charnin
Book: Thomas Meehan
Director: Ed Flesch
Musical Director: Mary Ehlinger
Choreographer: Ann Neiman
1st rehearsal: February 14, 2011 in Wisconsin. Runs March 3 – May 1, 2011.
Equity Chorus Call / Dancers:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at Nola Studios
10 AM – Equity male dancers who sing/act well 250 West 54th Street
2 PM – Equity female dancers who sing/act well New York City
Be warmed up and ready to dance when the call begins. Bring character shoes. Some may be asked to stay and sing after all have danced. Please prepare 16 bars of music; singing from the show is fine.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
Ensemble dancers:
Dancers who sing and act well. All physical types and ethnicities welcome. Some ensemble members will cover principal roles.