Call Type Non-Required Principal
Date of Audition 3/30/2011
Location San Diego Musical Theatre Administrative Offices 4652 Mercury Street San Diego, CA 92111
Time(s) Tuesday, March 29 and Wednesday, March 30 Auditions by appointment only
· A monitor willnot be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Appointments Please call to make an appointment - 858-560-5740
Contract Guest Artist $400.00
Seeking Please see breakdown.
Preparation Arrive warmed up and ready to dance. Wear form fitting dance clothes. No baggy pants, sweatpants, sweatshirts, etc. Ladies, character shoes - Men, character or jazz shoes. Prepare 16 to 32 bars in the style of Modern Musical Theatre. Singing from the show is acceptable, however not required.
Other Dates First Rehearsal: Equity - May 10, 2011 Opens: May 27, 2011 Closes: June 12, 2011
Other Callbacks - Saturday, April 2, 2011 Bring headshot, resume and music in the correct key.
Personnel Producers: Gary & Erin Lewis Director/Choreographer: Robert Marra Musical Director: Don LeMaster
DON – 26, Actor/Dancer/Singer, Midwest, married w/kids, nice guy MAGGIE – 25, Excellent Singer, AT THE BALLET – absent father, escaped into fantasy world w/ballet MIKE – 24, Great Dancer/Singer, I CAN DO THAT – Italian, aggressive, lots of energy CONNIE – 32, Ideally Asian American, but open to all nationalities – 4’10”, confident, strong, full of energy GREG – 32, Strong Actor, fabulous, Jewish, Upper East Side attitude CASSIE – 32, Excellent Dancer/Singer/Actress, became a featured dancer, was involved with Zach, moved to Hollywood, now back in NY and needs a job. SHEILA – 29, Strong Actress/Singer, AT THE BALLET - statuesque, confident, sexy, older dancer BOBBY – 25, Strong Comedic Actor, sarcastic, funny, somewhat bitter BEBE – 26, Strong Singer/Actress, AT THE BALLET - insecure about her looks, “newbie” eager to make it on Broadway JUDY – 28, Comedic Actress/Singer/Dancer, tall, ideally redhead, gawky, funny, endearing RICHIE – 27, Strong Singer/Dancer/Actor, African American, spitfire energy AL – 30, Strong Singer/Actor, SING - Italian, macho, married to Kristine & completely adores her KRISTINE – 21, Strong Dancer/Actress, SING – delightfully nervous, can’t sing, married to Al VAL – 29, Excellent Singer/Dancer/Actress, DANCE TEN, LOOKS THREE – cute, perky, but foul mouthed, had plastic surgery to enhance herself. MARK – 20, Excellent Dancer, youngest, most eager, fresh faced, new to Broadway PAUL – 27, Excellent Actor/Dancer/Singer, Puerto Rican, quiet, guarded, sensitive, has a very powerful, emotional monologue. DIANA – 27, Excellent Singer/Actress/Dancer, WHAT I DID FOR LOVE, NOTHING – Puerto Rican, determined, confident aggressive. ZACH – 32, Director/Choreographer, Strong Actor/Dancer, loves being in control, was involved w/Cassie years ago. LARRY – 19, Zach’s assistant, Excellent Dancer, runs a lot of the audition for Zach CUT DANCERS: VICKI – beautiful, sexy, not a very good dancer TRICIA – Singer, has attitude, thinks she deserves this job LOIS – Ballerina, good dancer – just not the right style for this show FRANK – “Head Band Boy”, dances w/his head down looking at his feet BUTCH – vain, more into himself than the audition TOM – counts w/his mouth while he dances ROY – “Wrong Arms Roy”, dances doing wrong arms, even when corrected Some Cut Dancers may be asked to Understudy roles on the line as well