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Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba

Alexa Malerba is currently a sophomore at the University of Connecticut. She is currently an undecided major but hopes to pursue marketing or communication in the future. She loves seeing shows, both on Broadway and on tour, and has also performed in a few shows as well during middle and high school. Aside from her interests in musical theater, she loves listening to music, eating delicious food, and spending time with friends.

LEARN MORE ABOUT Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba

First Show:


Favorite Show:

Sweeney Todd and Moulin Rouge


Student Blog: A First-Time Guide To Seeing A Show
Student Blog: A First-Time Guide To Seeing A Show
June 30, 2024

Shows are a wonderful form of entertainment. The bright lights, the catchy songs, and the spectacular dancing is a sight to behold. Whether it’s a local production, national tour, or a Broadway spectacle, it’s an experience everyone should have at least once in life. However, there are some things first-time theatergoers should be aware of in order to optimize their experience. Therefore, I have created a comprehensive guide to navigating your first show.

Student Blog: Behind The Curtain: My Experience Backstage
Student Blog: Behind The Curtain: My Experience Backstage
June 30, 2024

After a lifetime of performing onstage in dance recitals and school musicals, I have always wondered how the experience would be if I worked behind the scenes. Recently, I had the opportunity to do so at the dance recital of my former studio. I worked to ensure the show went on smoothly, and it was a very different experience than usual. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed my experience backstage and how it compared to being onstage. 

Student Blog: Working Part-Time - A Personal Reflection
Student Blog: Working Part-Time - A Personal Reflection
June 11, 2024

It’s finally summer break! The sun is shining, the weather is warm, and the vibes are immaculate. Most people see this as a time to relax and get a break from school (which is the case for me as well). However, summer vacation also brings other responsibilities. I still make time to have fun, but most of my days are spent working at my part-time job. I work at a retail store, and while it can get exhausting at times, I enjoy it overall. It’s taught me a lot about the professional world, and most importantly, about myself.

Student Blog: 'Honesty Is The Best Policy' - My Experience With Academic Integrity
Student Blog: 'Honesty Is The Best Policy' - My Experience With Academic Integrity
May 28, 2024

Academic integrity is incredibly important to me. It’s resisting temptation to take the easy route while also having the courage to do the right thing. While it may be appealing to look up the answer or have someone else do the work for you, it’s incredibly important to resist doing so. In the long run, you’ll be doing yourself a favor by remaining honest.

Student Blog: The Final Countdown - Finals Week At UConn
Student Blog: The Final Countdown - Finals Week At UConn
May 7, 2024

At last, the week every student dreads—or is excited for, depending on who you ask—has finally passed at my school: finals week. This week holds a lot of bittersweet emotions for me, especially at the end of my first year. On one hand, I’m excited for summer break and to be temporarily done with school. On the other hand, I’m going to miss my college friends and the memories we’ve made. I will not, however, miss taking finals. On that note, here is what a typical finals week is like at my school.

Student Blog: My Experience With Fighting Burnout
Student Blog: My Experience With Fighting Burnout
April 28, 2024

Between all the constant assignments and exams, it’s incredibly easy to feel a phenomenon known as burnout. Burnout is very common in college, especially towards the end of the semester. I have lots of personal experiences with burnout, both in high school and college. I feel varying degrees of unmotivation at times, although there are some days that are way worse than others. The worst of it typically occurs towards the end of the semester, a time when I’m mentally exhausted. Burnout can be hard to navigate when all you feel like doing is laying down and doing nothing, but there are some workarounds.

Student Blog: Student Life at UConn
Student Blog: Student Life at UConn
April 1, 2024

Student life is a major factor for prospective students to consider when deciding which college to attend. It’s important to know what your college will offer for students outside of the classroom, as college is more than academics. With college commitment season in full swing, it’s the perfect time for me to discuss student life at the University of Connecticut.

Student Blog: A Busy Student's Toolbox: 4 Tools That Work For Me
Student Blog: A Busy Student's Toolbox: 4 Tools That Work For Me
March 27, 2024

College can be very overwhelming for any student. Between homework assignments, exams, and extracurriculars, keeping a healthy balance can be a challenge. You may be wondering how a healthy balance can be achieved. While it can be difficult, the key is to stay committed and organized. Here are some tools I use to remain focused on my goals:

Student Blog: A Midterm Exam Survival Guide
Student Blog: A Midterm Exam Survival Guide
March 4, 2024

I’m halfway through the semester, which means two things: the weather’s starting to get warmer and exams are upon us. Any exam can be very stressful, but when multiple are happening in the same time frame, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. With midterm season happening now at my school, I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to share my advice in order to get through it.

Student Blog: Back to Business: My Second Semester
Student Blog: Back to Business: My Second Semester
February 26, 2024

Winter is in full swing, which also marks the beginning of my second semester of college. I learned a lot from my first semester: it was a big adjustment, but overall I would say it was pretty successful. I learned that I love the independence of college, although it comes with a lot of responsibility. For example, I need to manage my time properly so I don’t fall behind on assignments. 
