Guest Blogger: Mark Fisher

Guest Blogger: Mark Fisher My name is Mark and I work in a building that has two pictures of me in hot pants prominently displayed on the window. I have the honor of leading the crazy-ass MFF Team to create industry leading results in health and hotness with our beloved Ninjas. I particularly love working with folks that hate working out and/or sat alone at lunch in middle school. I have a bunch of certifications like NASM, FMS, HKC, and some other shit you probably don't care about, but feel free to grab me and ask me! My philosophy of training and nutrition is based on the Albert Einstein dictum, "Make everything as simple as possible, but not any simpler." I also believe business is about making the world a better place, and I'm as passionate about healthy business culture as I am about fitness. I even did an effin' TED Talk about it! In my spare time, I like dropping F bombs, playing with puppies, musical theater, cognitive psychology, and modern art.

