WEST SIDE STORY Equity Principal Auditions - Paper Mill Playhouse Auditions

Posted January 27, 2016
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WEST SIDE STORY - Paper Mill Playhouse

Paper Mill Playhouse | Millburn, NJ

Date of Audition:

Call Type
Equity Principal

Equity Principal Auditions
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
10 AM to 6 PM
lunch 1:30 to 2:30


Telsey + Company
311 West 43rd Street, 10th floor
New York, NY 10036

Equity actors, singers, dancers for various principal roles.

See breakdown for more details.

Please prepare a brief Broadway standard, showing range and power. No rock or pop. A piano accompanist will be provided. Bring a photo/resume stapled together.

Other Dates
Rehearsals Begin in NY: May 9
Tech Begins at Paper Mill: May 26
First Performance: June 1
Press Opening: June 5
Closing: June 26

Casting: Telsey + Company/Cesar A. Rocha

Artistic Director: Patrick Parker
Director: Mark S. Hoebee
Choreographer: Alex Sanchez
Musical Director: Steve Orich
Music: Leonard Bernstein
Lyrics: Stephen Sondheim
Book: Arthur Laurents

· EPA Rules are in effect.

· A monitor will be provided.

Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.

Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.



Male A romantic young man and former leader of the Jets, who has found a new lifestyle now. Tony finds himself violently torn between his friendships and love. Falls in love with Maria and meets an untimely death. Genuinely sweet and sincere. Tenor (Bb to Hi C).

Female A hopeless romantic and innocent young girl. She falls in love with Tony and finds herself at the center of the violent conflict between the two gangs. Bernardo's sister. Puerto Rican. Soprano (Bb to Hi C).

Female Feisty and assertive. She dispenses older sister advice to Maria and tries to shield her from the dangers of the gangs. Bernardo's girlfriend and Maria's friend. Puerto Rican. Strong dancer. Mezzo-Soprano (F to F).

Male A proud, strong, handsome Puerto Rican man. Bernardo seeks to carve out territory as a sense of identity for him and his friends. Maria's brother and Anita's boyfriend. Leader of the Sharks. Strong dancer. Baritone (G to E).

Male A spritely, quick-tempered leader. He seeks to eliminate the Sharks and establish his own gang's dominance. Tony's best friend, he is eventually murdered by Bernardo. Strong dancer. Baritone (A to G).

Female A spunky tomboy who is desperate to become a member of the Jets. The other Jets mock her for her ambitions, but generally appreciate her company. Strong dancer.

Male An angry and, at times, naive Shark who turns murderous and vengeful. Suitor to Maria and friend of Bernardo's. Strong dancer.

Male 50-65 The owner of the candy store where the Jets hang out. He tries to guide the Jets youthful angst and provides a safe haven for Tony. Old fashioned and wise in his ways.

Male 30-60s The local beat cop. He has no patience for the gang’s conflict and tries to keep tensions from erupting between them. Regularly mocked by the local gangs.

Lt. Schrank
Male 40-60s A local police detective frustrated by the ongoing violence between the Jets and Sharks. Blunt, brash, and unapologetic.

Glad Hand
Male 30-50s Comic actor. Age and type very open – actor must just be able to make broad choices and have good timing.

The Jet Boys
Male 18-20s All-American male dancers with excellent ballet/jazz technique who sing. Action, A-Rab, Baby John, Snowboy, Big Deal, Diesel, Kiddo. Possible understudy assignment for Tony.

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