THE KILLING OF SISTER GEORGE Equity Principal Auditions - The Actors Company Theatre Auditions

Posted July 15, 2014
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THE KILLING OF SISTER GEORGE - The Actors Company Theatre

The Actors Company Theatre (TACT) | New York, NY

Date of Audition:

Call Type
Equity Principal

Equity Principal Auditions
Friday, August 1, 2014
9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
lunch 1 to 2


Actors' Equity Association Audition Center
165 West 46th Street
16th Floor
New York, NY 10036

Equity female actors for 4 roles.

see breakdown.

Prepare a brief language driven monolouge from the 20th century.

Please bring a headshot and resume.

Other Dates
Rehearsal: August 26-September 14
Tech: September 17-21
Opening: October 7 & Closing: November 1, 2014


Director by Drew Barr
Artistic Directors: Scott Alan Evans & Jenn Thompson

· EPA Rules are in effect.

· A monitor will be provided.

Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.

Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.


June Bunkridge:
late 40s – late 50s, a gin-guzzling, cigar-chomping, masculine woman with more than a hint of a sadistic bent; a closeted lesbian in mid ‘60s London who plays the much-beloved, warm-hearted Sister George, a kindly, salt of the earth rural nurse on a BBC radio soap opera. Seeking a comic actress of unusual force who can dominate any space she’s in with her vocal and physical presence, yet is able to access the extreme vulnerability beneath June’s shockingly domineering personality. Must expertly master an urban AND rural British accent. Must do an Oliver Hardy impersonation.

Alice McNaught (Childie):
early to mid 30s but gives the impression of being much younger; Scottish by birth. Waif-ish and sexy, part Lolita and part Laura Wingfield from The Glass Menagerie. She can seem pure victim one moment, then master manipulator in the next. Scottish accent required. Must impersonate Stan Laurel. Flute playing a plus.

Mrs Mercy Croft:
late 50s - late 60s; the Assistant Head of Radio Broadcasting at the BBC well-groomed, gracious of manner, freezingly polite. Must do an impeccable RP accent.

Madame Xenia:
60s - 70s; a psychic of foreign origin; henna-ed and hung with beads. She takes her esoteric gift very seriously. European accent required, but nationality is open to actress’s interpretation.

All roles require skilled, comedic actresses who are able play the truth and danger at the heart of farce

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