THE CRUCIBLE Equity Principal Auditions - Broadway Theatre TBA Auditions

Posted May 21, 2015
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THE CRUCIBLE - Broadway Theatre TBA

Scott Rudin Productions | New York, NY

Date of Audition:
6/4, 6/5, 6/6/2015

Call Type
Equity Principal

Equity Principal Auditions

Thursday, June 4, 2015 >>>>>
9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
lunch 1 to 2

Friday, June 5, 2015 >>>>>
9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
lunch 1 to 2

Saturday, June 6, 2015 >>>>>
10 AM to 6 PM

lunch 1:30 to 2:30

Production (League)
$1861/week min


Actors' Equity Association NYC Audition Center
165 West 46th Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10036

Actors' Equity Association NYC Audition Center
165 West 46th Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10036

Pearl Studios NYC 500
500 Eighth Avenue, 4th floor
(35th/36th Streets)
New York, NY

A diverse company of Equity actors for various roles.

See breakdown for more info.

Note: The audition location is not the same for each day. Please make sure to note the location on the day that you are attending

Please prepare one SHORT (no more than two minutes in length) dramatic monologue.

Bring picture and resume

Other Dates
1st Reh: 1/25/16. 1st Perf: 2/29/16. Final Perf: 7/17/16
Broadway Venue TBD

EPAs on:
Thur 6/4, 9:30-5:30 at AEA
Fri 6/5, 9:30-5:30 at AEA
Sat 6/6, 10-6, at Pearl 500 8th Avenue

By Arthur Miller
Casting Directors: Heidi Griffiths & Zoe Rotter

· EPA Rules are in effect.

· A monitor will be provided.

Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.

Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.


Seeking a diverse company. Unless specifically stated, characters are any ethnicity.

In the tight-knit, Puritan town of Salem, a group of girls are discovered dancing in the woods and then immediately fall ill. When no earthly cause can be identified, fear and suspicion begin to percolate in the small, isolated community, that something larger, more fearsome, and other worldly may be to blame. Buried secrets and resentments are brought to light, and attempts to root out evil lead to finger-pointing, treachery, and betrayal. When everyone is a suspect, sometimes the most dangerous threat to the community may be the community itself.


40s. The minister of the church in Salem. A widower, with no interest in children, he has been left to raise a young daughter. Self-righteous, austere and controlling. Protective of his reputation and assets. Paranoid that his enemies are attempting to overthrow him. His power and status within the community are irrevocably undermined when his young daughter is seemingly possessed by the devil.

50s – 70s. A farmer. Salt of the earth, plainspoken, hardworking. A man of the land, who is still physically powerful. He is straightforward and unrefined. He has little formal education and relies on his “common sense” which he finds more relevant than the dominant public opinion. Provocative an easily proved, speaks before thinking. Underneath this rebellious attitude resides a good heart.

50s-70s. An elder of the Salem community. Pious, kind, patient and virtuous. Her age, combined with the respect she has earned from the community has made her unafraid to voice her opinions. Appalled by the behavior of the court, she stands solidly in the path of the tidal wave of fear, hatred and bigotry until it engulfs her.

40s – 50s. A wealthy landowner in Salem. Savvy, politic, shrewd. Even in the furor and chaos of the trials, he is able to see opportunity for profit.

40s. The wife of Thomas Putnam. Brittle, fretful and anxious. Haunted by the loss of her seven children, her grief has left her embittered and resentful of others’ good fortunes. This role will likely double with. SARAH GOOD: 40’s. A homeless woman and one of the first accused of witchcraft. Eccentric, slovenly and prone to inappropriate outbursts, her unbecoming behavior sets her apart from the rest of the community.

40s. A judge presiding over the trials, second in command to Judge Danforth. Confident and resolute. Believes strongly in his own authority and importance. Willfully ignorant to any dissent voiced by the community.

Late teens to play younger. The Proctors’ serving girl, who joins Abigail in crying witchcraft. Timid and emotionally fragile. Particularly susceptible to persuasion and coercion by stronger personalities. While she is not immune to the heady rush of her newfound power, she struggles with her conscience when she sees the pain caused by the girls’ accusations

30s – 40s. African-American. Reverend Parris’ slave, born in Barbados and brought to Salem. Wary and cautious, she is aware of the tenuousness of her situation and her lack of agency or power, exhausted and worn down after years of abuse. Spiritual. Rooted in a cultural tradition that is perceived as completely foreign by the small, insular Salem community

30s – 40s. An officer of the court. He takes his responsibilities to the court extremely seriously and does its bidding even when it involves arresting friends and neighbors. A man torn between duty and humanity. This role will likely double with. GEORGE HERRICK: 40’s. A marshal of the court. Sympathetic and kind to the accused who are under his watch. Attentive to his duties, but not overzealous. And. HOPKINS: 30’s – 50’s. A guard in the prison.

70s. An elder of Salem and the husband of Rebecca Nurse. An upstanding member of the community. Honest and straightforward. When his wife is accused he comes to her aid and attempts to reason with the court for her release.

Late teens to play younger. The youngest of the afflicted girls and Abigail’s adopted sister, she joins the group of girls crying witchcraft. Fearful, nervous, easily intimidated by Abigail.

Late teens to play younger. The Putnam’s serving girl and one of the girls who joins the group crying witchcraft. Clever and sly. A friend and confidant of Abigail’s, she functions as Abigail’s lieutenant and second in command.

Late teens to play younger. One of the girls who joins Abigail in crying witchcraft. Nervous and worried.


Role CAST. 30s. A farmer. Independent, forthright, opinionated. Deeply complicated. Despises hypocrisy, most especially in himself. Has little patience for the pretense and duplicity of the church or for making a show of his devotion. Tormented by guilt over his recent affair with Abigail Williams. His combination of skepticism and outspokenness makes him especially dangerous in the eyes of his righteous neighbors. CAST.

Role CAST. To play 17. The Reverend Parris’ niece. Impulsive, strong willed, passionate, with a present sexuality and a fiery temper. Keenly aware of her own power, she is ruthless in her pursuit of getting what she wants. CAST.

Role CAST. 30s. John Proctor’s wife. Honest, proud, faithful, and principled. She is a person who sees little or no latitude when it comes to what is right. At times, her rigid austerity tips toward coldness. Deeply hurt by her husband’s infidelity, but still loves him fiercely. CAST.

Role CAST. 50s – 60s. The Deputy Governor of Massachusetts, called to Salem to preside over the trials. Imperious, absolute, commanding. Relishes his own power. Knows the law and is unwilling to deviate from it or entertain exceptions or opposing views. Not afraid to use his position and authority to bully suspects and dissenters. CAST.

Role CAST. 40s – 50s. A respected minister and expert on witchcraft, brought to Salem to judge the veracity of the girls’ claims. Observant, judicious, rational. A man of faith—he truly believes in his power to heal and return individuals to God. Believes honestly in the trials until they begin to veer out of control. CAST.

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