Originally conceived in 2014 as a response to the unjust murder of Trayvon Martin, the debate around Stand Your Ground Laws and the seemingly perpetual police violence against members of the African American community, Collidescope offers a collision course view of the legacy behind the history of racial violence, racism and social injustice in America. As seen through the gaze of an intergalactic time traveler, the investigation of this peculiar nature moves back and forth in historical time, specifically with a focus on the American psyche represented by contemplations of noted historical and contemporary writers and political figures. Utilizing archival documents and source texts, fictional and non-fictional, Collidescope engages the audience in a discourse interrogating the motives and justifications behind this legacy. This fourth installment will inject unique events from Minnesotas history into the greater picture of race, racism and citizenship, to connect the dots between Americas troubled racial history and its ongoing consequences.Internationally acclaimed theatre artists, Ping Chong and Talvin Wilks will create the fourth iteration of Collidescope: Adventures in Pre and Post Racial America in collaboration with University of Minnesota undergraduate and graduate students. Presented in collaboration with Ping Chong + Company
Ages: Suggested for ages 14+
Maje Adams
Marquerite Arbogast
Noah Branch
Sabrina Diehl
Amber Frederick
Scott Larsen
Ethan Lizotte
David Michaeli
Emily Rosenberg
Tyra Ramsey
Cole Seager
Derek Sykes
Sophia Watkins
Genevieve Wisdom
The Little Mermaid
Ordway Center for the Performing Arts (12/3 - 12/29) | ||
Open Eye Theatre (11/29 - 12/29) | ||
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!
Park Square Theatre (12/6 - 12/22) | ||
Alton Brown Live - Last Bite
Orpheum Theatre (4/27 - 4/27) | ||
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical
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Ballet Co.Laboratory Studio Theatre (4/11 - 4/13) | ||
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