SPARKLING OBJECT – Photo / Resume Request
Canal Park Playhouse – NYC Equity Showcase Code, approval pending
Director: Michael Rau
Playwright: D.B. Gilles
1st rehearsal: Tentatively scheduled for 10/11/10. Opens: 11/3/10, and runs for 3 weeks.
NYC auditions will be held on an upcoming date in early October, to be announced.
For consideration, email picture and resume to:
Please indicate in the subject line of your email “SPARKLING OBJECT – NYC auditions”
Nolan McQuinn:
Caucasian male mid-40s, but looks younger. Has a comfortable but unsatisfying life as a college professor. Smart, empathetic, and divorced with a 19 year old daughter.
Peter Rigby:
40. Male. Dean of students. Harried, tired administrator of a small college.
Amanda McQuinn:
19, Nolan's daughter. Heavy Set, Large Physique. Goth/Punk look.