SAMUEL J. AND K. – EPAs by Appointment in NJ
Passage Theatre Company Trenton NJ SPT 2 $230/week minimum
Associate Artistic Director: David White (at EPA)
Author: Mat Smart
Director: Jade King Carroll
Trenton, NJ rehearsals: 4/12/11-5/4/10
Trenton, NJ performances (4-show performance week): 5/5/11-5/22/11
Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT:
Thursday, January 20, 2011 at the Passage Theatre/Mill Hill Playhouse
10 AM - 6 PM 205 East Front Street (between Stockton & Montgomery)
Lunch from 1 - 2. Trenton, NJ
For an appointment, call (609) 392-0766 Tuesday – Friday from 10 AM - 6 PM and speak to/leave a message for Kacy O’Brien. AEA Members without appointments will be seen throughout the audition day, as time permits.
Sides will be provided at the audition. Visually-impaired performers may request an advance copy of the sides when making an audition appointment.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
NOTE: Basketball handling skills / experience with high school or college basketball highly desirable. Actors will handle a basketball on stage and play a pickup game.
Present Day. SAMUEL J. AND K.
Samuel J. surprises his adopted brother, Samuel K., with a trip back to his birth country of Cameroon for college graduation - but Samuel K. has no desire to face a place and a past that abandoned him. Samuel J. and K. challenges the traditional definitions of family and asks if a place we've only imagined can become home overnight. Seven years have passed between Act I and Act II. The brothers often bond and work through their issues while playing basketball.
Samuel J.: Any Ethnicity, ranges late 20s in Act I to mid-30s in Act II. J. is the one who never quite fits in. He's uncomfortable with the rigor/routine of the suburbs and likes working with his hands. J. is pretty open about his emotions and his love for K. Ideally, this actor will be able to play the comedy but also be able to come in with a very different, more mature energy for Act II.
Samuel K.: African American; ranges early 20s in Act I to late 20s in Act II. K. is the responsible one. He's the one who really fits in the suburbs. He's the good child who the mother is more proud of. He often plays the straight man to J.'s slacker/comedic qualities. He's much more closed off about his emotions.