Bickford Theatre 2010-11 Season
– Equity Performer Auditions in NJ
Bickford Theatre Morristown NJ SPT $223/week minimum.
Artistic Dir: Eric Hafen
Equity Performer Auditions (Principal/Chorus):
Saturday, September 11, 2010 Bickford Theatre at the Morris Museum
10 AM – 6 PM 6 Normandy Heights Road
Lunch from 1 – 2. Morristown, NJ
Theatre’s monitor begins sign-up at 9 AM. Free parking on premises.
No appointment necessary. Five-minute slots. The producer will run all aspects of this call. Equity audition procedures are NOT in effect, and no Equity Monitor will be provided.
If auditioning for plays only: Prepare a brief, contemporary monologue (preferably 3 minutes or less). If singing, preprae 32 bars of a song that best displays vocal range and a 1-minute comic monologue. Bring sheet music; accompanist provided.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
2010-11 Season:
Mack & Mabel Score: Jerry Herman. Book: Michael Stewart. Dir: Eric Hafen. Music Coordinator: Stephen Kantrowitz. Choreo: Paula Sloane. 1st reh.: 9/3/10. Runs 9/23-10/17.
Mack Sennett:
Highly energetic and driven; in charge. Baritone – strong singer/actor.
Mabel Normand:
25-30. Volatile; sharp temper, but has an innocence about her. Mezzo – strong singer/comic actress; must move well, tap a plus.
Fatty Arbuckle:
30-40. Very large film star. Second tenor – strong singer/actor; must move well, tap a plus.
Frank Wyman:
25-30. Writer/actor. Handsome. Gentleman. Becomes Frank Capra. Second tenor/high baritone – strong singer/actor; must dance, tap a plus.
Lottie Ames:
28-35. Silent film star. Mezzo – strong singer/dancer; must tap well.
Moonlight and Magnolias by Ron Hutchinson. Dir: Barbara Krajkowski. 1st reh.: 10/18/10. Runs 11/11-12/5. No performance Thanksgiving Day.
David O. Selznick:
30-40. The producer; impassioned, controlling, driven and at times genius. (The heart.)
Victor Fleming:
40-50. The director. Workhorse who pushes through and comes through in the clinch. (The muscle.)
Ben Hecht:
40-50. The screenwriter. Passionate, smart and teeming with morals and ethics. (The mind.)
Miss Poppenghul:
20-30. Selznick’s put-upon secretary.
The Little Dog Laughed by Douglas Carter Beane. Dir: Eric Hafen. 1st reh.: 12/27/10. Runs 1/20 – 2/13/11.
Late 20s-early 30s. Hollywood star on the rise. Closeted homosexual torn between what he truly wants and what other people want from him.
30-40. Acerbic, cynical, driven and very Hollywood. The only person more important than her client Mitchell is herself.
20s. NYC "rent" boy; naïve for someone who has experienced so much; jaded, yet remarkably idealistic. Love interest for Mitchell. Also boyfriend/best friend/only friend to Ellen.
20s. NYC party girl; has made a living being kept by much older men, while still sleeping with Alex. Tough yet innocent, and just damaged enough to make her interesting.
I Hate Hamlet by Paul Rudnick. Dir: Eric Hafen. 1st reh.: 4/4/11. Runs 4/28 - 5/22/11.
Andrew Rally:
30s. Charming TV star whose series was recently canceled. Not the best actor, but could easily glide through life on his good looks and affability.
John Barrymore:
Late 30s-late 40s. Alcohol-swilling, skirt-chasing ghost of the late great actor.
Deirdre McDavey:
Late 20s-early 30s. Andrew's girlfriend: a breathless soul of romantic enthusiasm, and a virgin.
Felicia Dantine:
40s-50s. Daffy, fast-talking NYC realtor and part-time medium.
Lillian Troy:
60s-70s. Tough, no-nonsense theatrical agent with a delight at any sort of high-jinks. German accent a plus.
Gary Peter Lefkowitz:
30s. Andrew's friend. Extremely happy overgrown child for whom reality is of little consequence.