BALTIMORE IN BLACK & WHITE – Photo / Resume Request
Bandwagon Entertainment (NYC) Equity Showcase, approval pending; $250 stipend
By Jason Odell Williams
Director: Charlotte Cohn
Casting: Cindi Rush
1st rehearsal: 4/10/11. Runs: 5/2 – 5/21/11 at the Cell Theatre NYC
NYC auditions will be held February 3 and 4, 2011, by appointment only.
For consideration, email picture and resume to:
Please indicate in the subject line: “Baltimore in Black & White NYC auditions”
NOTE: All actors/actresses must have impeccable comic timing and ability to differentiate several characters subtly and succinctly.
Woman 1:
Caucasian female; late 20s to early 30s; Plays the following roles:
- Whitney: Who dresses and talks “black”;
- Becca: who is Lori’s Jewish best friend and a bit of a snob; and
- Heidi: Lori and White Steve’s mother who is very frank and unaware that she may be saying something offensive (seen only in flashbacks to 1987)
Man 1:
Caucasian male; early 30s; plays the following roles:
- White Steve: Jewish, Lori’s older brother and the cool funny slightly nerdy best friend of Marcus, he is quick, funny and not afraid to be politically incorrect
- James: Southern frat guy, your basic jackass; and
- Adam: who is Marcus, Tammy and Black Steve’s father and has a chip on his shoulder about his interracial marriage and family (seen only in the flashbacks to 1987)
Man 2:
Caucasian male; early 30s; plays the following roles:
- Landon: a friend of Black Steve’s who is a sophomore at the fraternity and a lacrosse player, he is also kind of a “bra” (as in, a surfer from VA Beach)
- Daniel: who is Lori and White Steve’s father, a preppie and an optimist ( seen only in flashbacks to 1987 and 1989); and
- White Guest: probably a Republican and casual racist