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Now You Tell Me - by Sheridan Scott,Chris Willman

Now You Tell Me by Sheridan Scott,Chris Willman

Say Lynn Redgrave was your favorite aunt, or Dave Oyelowo was your favorite uncle, and you sat down together and asked him or her to give you their honest advice and guidance. That same advice and insider knowledge, delivered with the same sense of honesty and intimacy, is what readers will gain from Now You Tell Me! 12 Actors Give the Best Advice They Never Got. This book cuts 20 years off the learning curve of anyone who wants to go into acting and fascinates anyone interested in the entertainment industry. What is the most important quality to bring to an audition? How do you chose an acting or vocal coach? If you decide to 'go pro', where do you start? These questions and many others are addressed by Pauley Perrette, Sam Waterston, and others who have spent decades in the profession.

Most importantly, the subtitle of each book in the Now You Tell Me! series is "Making a Living; Making a Life." The editors of this book have carefully selected professional actors who have not only been successful in their chosen professions, but have also made purposeful decisions when it comes to building a good life. The young actors who will read Now You Tell Me! 12 Actors Give the Best Advice They Never Got will benefit from reading about the unique experiences of these actors who have been successful in all aspects of their lives.

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Publisher: Arundel Publishing

Released: 2012

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