Audition Room

Audition Room Articles

Audition Song Selection, What to Expect, Tips, and More!

20 Best Audition Songs for Tenors
by Aaron Kaburick - May 15, 2019

Updated February 2024: Are you a tenor looking for audition material? To get you started, here is a list of the best tenor audition songs: Not a Day Goes By, There But For You Go I, Take a Chance on Me, It Only Takes a Taste, You Walk with Me, The Wall in My Head, Bright Star, Good Boy, and more!

The 20 Best Audition Songs for Sopranos
by Kori Lotito - May 8, 2019

Updated February 2024: Are you a soprano looking for audition material? We've got 20 great ideas to help you get started picking the perfect soprano audition song, including 'I Never Has Seen Snow' from House of Flowers, 'My Friend, the Dictionary' from 25th Annual Putnam Counting Spelling Bee, 'Fly Into the Future' from Vanities, 'Happy Working Song' from Enchanted, 'There is A Child' from Giant, and more.

What are the Best Audition Songs for Altos? We've got the Top 20
by Kori Lotito - May 1, 2019

Updated September 2023: Here are the best ideas for altos of songs to audition with and shows which should be familiar to your casting director but that they won't have heard twenty times already that day - be it your local community musical theatre, high school, college, or that big Broadway audition.

Everything You Need To Know About Open Call Auditions
by Kori Lotito - April 10, 2019

Updated September 2023: When going into an open call audition - be it for a play, musical, dance show, or just a local community theatre production - being prepared and knowing what to expect can put you on top. In this guide, we outline 20 tips to help you get ahead at your next audition.

BroadwayWorld Seeks Theatre Audition Experts
by Alan Henry - April 5, 2019

Are you great at auditioning? A theatre educator? Have you survived Unified National Theatre Auditions for schools andor professional theatre companies? Know the best audition songs and which to avoid?

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