Who Played Singer in The Happiest Girl in the World

Arthur Tookoyan Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
David Canary Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Elaine Spaulding Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Ellen Berse Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Jeff Killion Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
John Wheeler Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
John Wheeler Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Joy Claussen Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Lainie Kazan Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Leonora Lanzillotti Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Mark Tully Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Maura K. Wedge Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Nancy Windsor Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Norma Donaldson Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Paul Merrill Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Paul Merrill Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Richard Winter Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Rita Metzger Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Theodore Morill Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961

Other Roles in The Happiest Girl in the World

1st Courier Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
1st Minister Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
2d Courier Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
2d Minister Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
3d Minister Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
A Gay Blade Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
A Heckler Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
A Herald Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
A Playwright Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
A Wine Smuggler Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Amaryllis Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
An Ambassador Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Aphrodite Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Apollo Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Ataraxohymonides Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Bacchus Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Captain Crito Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Chief of State Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Dancer Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Daphne Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Diana Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
General Kinesias Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Hector Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Juno Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Jupiter Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Lysistrata Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Mercury Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Myrrhina Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Neptune Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Phoebe Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Pluto Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Rhodope Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Sentinal Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Sergeant Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Singer Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Spartan Woman Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
The Pied Piper of Hamelin Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Theodora Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
Ulysses Broadway The Happiest Girl in the World 1961
