ME AND MY GIRL Equity Principal Auditions - Reagle Music Theatre of Greater Boston Auditions

Posted April 7, 2014
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ME AND MY GIRL - Reagle Music Theatre of Greater Boston

ME AND MY GIRL - EPA by Appointment in MA Reagle Music Theatre of Greater Boston | Waltham, MA

Date of Audition:

Call Type
Equity Principal

Equity Performer Auditions (principal and chorus) by Appointment
Friday, April 18th, 2014
1 PM to 10 PM
dinner break: 5:30 to 6

ref to COST; $549/week AEA

Reagle Music Theatre
617 Lexington Street
Waltham, MA
Follow maroon with gold signs for Reagle Music Theatre

Equity who sing for Principal and Ensemble.

see breakdown.

Note: Audition Dates for the August production of SINGIN' IN THE RAIN will be announced soon. Check back at a later date.

Please prepare and bring sheet music for a brief song in the style of the show that best showcases your acting ability and vocal range. AEA members will have a minimum of two minutes.

Other Dates
Rehearsals begin June 24th and are held every afternoon and evening, including weekends, until opening.
Performances are July 10-20, Thursday through Sunday.

AEA members without appointments seen as time permits.
EMC points are available.

Producing Artistic Director: Robert J. Eagle
Director and Choreographer: Cynthia Thole
Music Director: Daniel Rodriguez

· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

AEA Members may make an appointment by emailing or by calling 781-216-8529 until 4/17 at 3pm

Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.

Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.


Bill Snibson
25 to 35. A pugnacious comedic Cockney costermonger from Lambeth, complete with bobbing brown bowler who inherits Lord Hareford's land and titles. A straight forward chap who is utterly devoted to his sweetheart Sally.

Sally Smith
22 to 33. Bill’s sweetheart. A simple young girl who wants the best for Bill and is prepared to give him up to allow him to achieve his destiny.

Maria, Duchess of Dene
40 to 60. An intimidating aristocrat. Bill's Aunt who is fiercely proud of the heritage of the Hareford family and is determined to mould Bill into the perfect gentleman whether he wants it or not. She displays the odd moment of compassion now and again, but is generally a 'battle-axe'.

Lady Jacqueline Carstone
22 to 36. A calculating young blonde who breaks off her engagement to Gerald in order to pursue Bill for her love of money.

Sir John Tremayne
45 to 65. An older gentleman, rather fond of his drink, who is kind to Sally and Bill. He is in love with the Duchess, but has never mentioned his feelings.

The Hon. Gerald Bolingbroke
25 to 38. Described as 'a good-looking young man', he is perpetually cheerful even when faced with the loss of his income. He is desperately in love with Jackie and pursues her regardless of the way she has treated him.

Herbert Parchester
30 to 60. Family solicitor, who doesn't take the Duchess and her clan at all seriously. He tries to stir Bill up into rebellion against Her Grace and believes that as long as you can sing and dance, eat and drink, then there's really nothing to worry about.

Lord and Lady Battersby
40 to 60. Older aristocratic couple. Both are strong singers and movers.

Sir Jasper Tring
60 to 90. A nonagenarian with a severe hearing difficulty.

Other named characters and bit parts will be played by the singing and dancing ensemble.

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