Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre 2011 Season
– Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT in MA
Wellfleet MA NEAT (approval/salary level pending; 2010 minimum weekly salaries: $222 - $430, depending on production/stage).
Artistic Dir: Jeff Zinn
Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT:
Friday, April 1, 2011 Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre Offices
Saturday, April 2, 2011 2357 Route 6
9 AM – 5 PM both days. Wellfleet MA 02667
Lunch from 1 - 2. See Theatre’s travel instructions below.
For a five-minute appointment, please call (508) 349-9428, x103 M-F, 10-5. Deadline for requesting an appointment is close of business on the day before the audition. Equity Members without appointments will be seen throughout each audition day, as time permits.
Actors may choose to read one or more scenes from the season’s plays, perform one or more monologues of their choice or a combination of scene(s) and monologues(s). Scripts will be available for perusal at StageSource, 88 Tremont St., Boston. Scripts and a reader will be provided at the auditions.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
All dates below are in 2011. All roles are available unless otherwise specified. (Auditioning performers will be considered as possible replacements for pre-cast roles, should any become necessary.)
Julie Harris Stage:
Jihad Jones and the Kalashnikov Babes by Yussef El Guindi. Dir: Robert Kropf. 1st reh: 5/3. Runs 5/25-6/25.
Ashraf is an actor who has just received rave reviews for his performance of Hamlet at a struggling theatre in Los Angeles. But he's only earning $200 a week, and he's having trouble paying the bills. He needs his big break: a starring role in a Hollywood blockbuster. And that's just what his smarmy agent is offering: a feature film, big money, working for his favorite director, and playing opposite his favorite Tinseltown starlet. All Ashraf has to do is play the most stereotypically evil, fanatical Islamic terrorist ever to grace the silver screen. The play follows Ahraf as he battles the infamous slippery slope, while hilariously balancing his personal ethics and cultural pride against his professional ambition.
Arab American man, 25-35. An actor. Handsome, intense (could believably be cast as Hamlet).
25-35. Barry’s secretary. Star-struck.
25-35. Famous movie star. Sexy, ruthless.
25-45. A-List Hollywood director.
CAST. 30s-40s. Ashraf’s agent. Intense, ruthless, willing to do anything to seal the deal.
BOEING BOEING by Marc Camoletti. Dir: Dan Lombardo. 1st reh: 6/14. Runs 7/2-8/1.
Bernard, a successful Parisian architect, juggles three flight attendant fiancées: an American woman (Gloria), an Italian woman (Gabriella) and a German woman (Gretchen). He tracks their airlines' timetables, and his long-suffering housekeeper, Bertha, reluctantly resets the menus and bedroom decor depending on the arrivals and departures. Bernard has been successful at convincing each woman that she is the only one. Bernard's old school friend Robert arrives unexpectedly, and Bernard proudly explains to his wide-eyed visitor how he makes his busy romantic schedule run smoothly. He also has a fallback plan for keeping his fiancées separate, involving his country house. Unfortunately for Bernard, a new, faster Boeing jet has been introduced, changing the timetable. Weather delays occur, and complications arise when the women's behavior doesn’t match Bernard's careful planning.
30s-40s. Bernard's housekeeper. Efficient, skeptical. Rigorously neutral.
20s-30s. The Italian fiancée – a stewardess. Sexy in that “Italian” way.
20s-30s. The American fiancée – a stewardess. Perky in that “American” way.
20s-30s. The German fiancée – a stewardess. No-nonsense in the German way.
CAST. American, 30s. Architect and lothario.
CAST. 30s. Bernard's old school chum.
AN IDEAL HUSBAND by Oscar Wilde. Adaptation: Daniel Morris. Dir: Todd Olson. Co-production with American Stage, St. Petersburg FL (SPT). 1st reh (Wellfleet): 6/21. Runs in Wellfleet 7/12-8/6. 1st reh (St. Petersburg): 11/7. Runs in St. Petersburg 11/15-12/24.
In this faithful adaptation of the original, just four actors play all of the characters in this Wilde classic, with men playing women and vice versa. Robert Chiltern (the upstanding man of morals) must suddenly confront a scandal from his past – which launched his career and made him a rich man. The personal and public fallout is enormous. The profligate playboy Goring must save the day and discover his true self. We see the same scandals with politicians today – whether they're packaging junk mortgages or concocting “financial instruments”, bailouts and golden parachutes! The play is heart-wre
nching and tragic in the midst of the Wilde ripostes.
Note: In this adaptation, all four actors play characters who are men, women, young and old. All four actors should be able to portray characters from 20-50.
Woman A:
Mrs. Marchmont, Lord Caversham, Lady Chiltern.
Woman B:
Mabel Chiltern, Mrs. Cheveley.
Man 1:
Lady Basildon, Robert Chiltern.
Man 2:
Lady Markby, Lord Goring.
BAKERSFIELD MIST by Stephen Sachs. Dir: Kate Warner. Co-production with New Repertory Theatre, Watertown MA (NEAT). 1st reh (Wellfleet): 7/12. Runs 8/11-9/4. New Rep dates TBA.
National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere. Maude Gutman, an unemployed, chain-smoking bartender living in a trailer park, has bought the ugliest thrift-store painting she could get her hands on as a gag gift. After the painting is rejected, Maude tries to offload it at a yard sale where she learns it might be much more than junk - it just might be the "find of the century," an undiscovered Jackson Pollock painting. When Lionel Percy, a renowned art expert, arrives at Maude's trailer to investigate the painting's potential, the two embark on a fiery debate over class, truth, and what we personally perceive as valuable. Inspired by a true story, this play asks, what makes a work of art truly authentic?
Maude Gutman:
50s. Unemployed bartender. Rough, sexual. Strong in her convictions.
Lionel Percy:
60s. Art expert. Former head of the Metropolitan Museum in NYC. Rather pompous.
Body Awareness by Annie Baker. Dir:
Jeff Zinn. 1st reh: 8/23. Runs 9/14-10/16.
Setting: Small Vermont college town. Depicts the tensions that simmer and eventually boil over among its four characters as they gingerly step around one another's tender spots - or, in some cases, cluelessly stomp all over them. Psychological insecurity and physiological instability are the key dramatic elements in this disarming new play. There is potential for an atypical family healing when Phyllis, a middle-aged lesbian academic; her formerly married, slightly younger lover; her lover's 21-year-old live-in son and a houseguest/photographer are mutually affected by an event: "Body Awareness Week" at Shirley State College.
55. Self-aware, politically correct high school teacher.
21. Joyce’s son. Might have Asperger’s Syndrome.
45. Joyce’s girlfriend. Self-aware, politically correct college professor.
Frank Bonitatibus:
59. Photographer who specializes in photographing women’s bodies of all shapes, sizes and ages.
Harbor Stage:
A BEHANDING IN SPOKANE by Martin McDonagh. Dir: Jeff Zinn. 1st reh: 5/10. Runs 6/1-7/2.
In the playwright’s first American-set play, Carmichael has been searching for his missing left hand for almost half a century. Enter two bickering lovebirds with a hand to sell, and a hotel clerk with an aversion to gunfire, and we're set for a hilarious roller coaster of love, hate, desperation and hope. One reviewer stated, “Insane yet also fiendishly funny. McDonagh is a specialist in unleashed violence, in which he shamelessly revels. Here the violence is comical, and we are kept guessing throughout a farce that is as irresistible as it is improbable... moves at farce speed from shock to comic shock.”
20s/30s. Hotel clerk. Officious and obsessive.
40s-60s. Dangerous grafter who loves his mom.
20s. Skanky hustler. Toby’s girlfriend. Tough as nails.
African American. Low-level dealer and street hustler. Not as tough as Marilyn.
Jennifer Haley. Dir:
Jesse Jou. 1st reh: 6/14. Runs 7/7-7/30.
In a suburban subdivision with identical houses, parents find their teenagers addicted to an online horror video game. The game setting? A subdivision with identical houses. The goal? Smash through an army of zombies to escape the neighborhood for good. But as the line blurs between the virtual and the real, both parents and players realize that fear has a life of its own.
Father Type:
Multiple roles, 40s. Steve, Doug, Tobias. Average American dad. Troubled by kid’s obsession with video games.
Mother Type:
Multiple roles, 40s. Leslie, Vicki, Barbara, Joy. Average American mom. Troubled by kid’s obsession with video games.
Son Type 1:
Multiple roles, teens - 20s. Trevor, Ryan, Jared. Obsessed with video games.
Son Type 2:
Multiple roles, teens - 20s. Zombiekllr14, Blake. Obsessed with video games.
Daughter Type 1:
Multiple roles, teens - 20s. Madison, Chelsea. Obsessed with video games.
Daughter Type 2:
Multiple roles, teens - 20s. Makaela, Kaitlyn. Obsessed with video games.
THE BETROTHED by Dipika Guha. Dir: Jesse Jou. 1st reh: 7/12. Runs 8/4-9/3.
Play with music. As Simon's flight descends over the “Old Country”, his mind swirls between his home in Pittsburgh and the beautiful woman he imagines waiting for him among the cow patties. Betrothed from birth, he has waited 30 long years to meet his beloved. Upon arrival, his fantasies of finding the perfect wife spar against old crones, morally ambiguous clergymen, deceitful babies and barnyard animals. Here, Simon must navigate a world where murder, ghostly possession, and rampant cuckoldry are everyday realities, and “meeting your match” takes on an entirely different meaning. This comedy exists between desire and death, dream and reality, life and the afterlife.
Early 30s. Speaks with an American accent.
Anna Cecilia Rasheeda Silosa Hangi Maria / Rasheeda:
One woman plays both roles. Anna: Early 70s. Might look older. Speaks with a dark, East European accent. Rasheeda: Early 30s. Shares accent and features with Anna.
Solomon / Son:
One man plays both roles. Solomon: Late 70s. Speaks with the accent of a European man who has spent his life watching American movies. Son:Boy in his late teens. Silent.
The Priest “Father” / Gonan:
One man plays both roles. “Father”: Late 40s. Speaks with an East European accent. Gonan: Early 70s. Card shark. Solomon’s best friend. Speaks with an East European accent.
The Ding Dongs or What is the Penalty in Portugal? by
Brenda Withers. Dir TBA. 1st reh: 8/9. Runs 9/7-10/9.
Joe and Natalie show up on a suburban doorstep, hoping for a tour of what they claim is Joe's childhood home. When the unsuspecting homeowner, Redelmo, welcomes them, the atmosphere shifts, and a strange battle for possession of the house begins. The play raises questions about contracts and compassion and examines the cycle of violence that surrounds our system of private property. Playful meditation on our concepts of homeland and security.
30s-40s. Rather easygoing homeowner.
30s-40s. Affable young man with a dark secret.
30s-40s. Pleasant young woman. Something of a chatterbox.
Theatre’s statements: “We encourage participation by performers of all races and ethnicities. Please note that we are not holding auditions or interviews in New York City. Please do not contact us to request a New York appointment.”
Traveling to Wellfleet (instructions provided by WHAT: “Approximately 5 ½ hours by car from New York. 2 hours by car from Boston. Bus transportation from New York: Peter Pan Bus Lines
http://www.peterpanbus.com/ to Hyannis. Then change to Plymouth and Brockton Bus Lines
http://www.p-b.com. Bus transportation from Boston: Plymouth and Brockton Bus Lines.
http://www.p-b.com. Please allow generous amounts of time for bus travel.”