THE PRODUCERS – EPAs by Appointment in CT
Ivoryton Playhouse (Ivoryton, CT) SPT $357/week minimum.
Executive/Artistic Director: Jacqueline Hubbard
Director: Julia Kiley
Musical Director: John DeNicola
By Mel Brooks & Tom Meehan
1st rehearsal: 6/21/11. Runs: 7/6 – 7/31/11. Matinees: Wed, Sun. Evenings: Wed-Sat
Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT
Saturday, April 16, 2011 at the Ivoryton Playhouse Rehearsal Studio
10 AM – 6 PM 24 Main Street
Lunch from 1 - 2. Centerbrook, CT 06409
Prepare a song in the style of the show. Bring sheet music in correct key; accompanist provided buy may not transpose.
Bring picture and resume, stapled together.
For an appointment Call 860-767-7318. AEA members without appointments will be seen as time permits.
Leo Bloom:
Male/baritone-tenor. Neurotic accountant turned producer.
Franz Liebkind:
Male/baritone. German pigeon-keeper and playwright.
Roger Debris:
Male/baritone-tenor. Over-the-top, cross-dressing director.
Carmen Ghia:
Male/tenor. Roger's flamboyant assistant.
Female/soprano Must be able to belt. Secretary and wannabe actress with a comic Swedish accent.
Theatre’s mailing address: Ivoryton Playhouse, PO Box 458, Ivoryton CT 06442.