Call Type
Equity Principal
Equity Principal Auditions
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Lunch 1:30 to 2:30
$542/week minimum
Primary Stages Rehearsal Studios
307 West 38th Street, Suite 1510
New York, NY
Equity actors: 2 men, 2 women.
see breakdown
Sides will be provided at the audition.
Bring picture and resume, stapled together.
Other Dates
1st Rehearsal: 8/27/13. Runs: 9/24-11/1/13
Artistic Director: Andrew Leynse
Managing Director: Elliot Fox
Associate Artistic Director: Michelle Bossy
Director: Evan Cabnet
Playwright: Donald Margulies
Casting: Stephanie Klapper Casting
· EPA Rules are in effect.
· A monitor will be provided.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
(60s/70s) Caucasian woman. A Holocaust survivor and recent transplant to Florida. A devoted wife and mother often torn between the two roles. She speaks with an eastern European accent. Takes pride in her appearance. Talkative, a storyteller. Jewish.
(60s/70s) Caucasian man. A Holocaust survivor who also speaks with an eastern European accent. He is looking forward to escaping to Florida and starting a new life, as he does not like to dwell on the horrors and disappointments of his past. A self-made man, he is still lusty and virile as he enters his sunset years. Jewish.
DEBBY and DEBORAH (portrayed by the same actress)
(mid-30s/early-40s): Caucasian women. Debby is the mentally disturbed daughter of Lola and Max. Debby is provocative, unkempt, disinhibited. Can be outrageously funny and just plain outrageous. Deborah, her half-sister, is sweet, well-spoken, well-mannered, her father's idealized dream child. Debby is morbidly obese, to be represented by a realistic fat suit that she sheds to play Deborah.
(18-early 20’s to read as a teenager) African-American man, mentally disabled, appears to be no more than a teenager, he may be portrayed by a youthful actor in his 20s. More boy than man. Guileless, child-like, he scrapes by on the rough streets of 1980s NYC. He loves Debby, and the attention and care she shows him.