Monica Moore - Page 10

Monica Moore Monica has been involved in all facets of theatre and theatre education for 32 years.

She has worked as a professional director and this includes directing two shows at opposite ends of the country over the same time period.
"This is when I realised how small New Zealand is and how good we are at theatre as a nation."

She has seen and continues to see many theatre performances around the world including West End, Broadway to regional performances of which many have been just as slick!
?“I've seen the good, the bad, the ugly and the stunning!” – Monica Moore

Monica has also been writing and selling stage musicals and interactive theatre shows for 25 years to schools and amateur theatre groups all over the world. The extended family audience has extended into USA, Australia and the United Kingdom.
She has worked in all facets of theatre and has a special interest in the impact of theatre on the individual and society in general.

As an educator Monica used theatrical technique and form as an important learning tool and maintains that it is an excellent if not the best way to support authentic learning across the curriculum.

Monica’s work can be viewed on her website, her facebook page, join her on instagram @monicamooreproductions or subscribe to Monica Moore Productions on You Tube