EAST LYNNE THEATER COMPANY 2019 SEASON Equity Principal Auditions - East Lynne Theater Company Auditions

Posted January 23, 2019
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EAST LYNNE THEATER COMPANY 2019 SEASON - East Lynne Theater Company

East Lynne Theater Company 2019 Season - Cape May NJ EPA

East Lynne Theater Company


Sat, Mar 09, 2019

11:00 am - 7:00 pm (EST)

Lunch 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM.

Sign-up begins at 10:00 AM and continues through 6:55 PM.


Equity actors may contact the theater for a definite time-slot by e-mailing the company at eastlynneco@aol.com.


SPT $344 thru June 2019; salary thereafter pending


Equity actors for various roles in the upcoming 2019 season. See breakdown.


Actors may read a side from any of the plays, or do a monologue, preferably humorous. Bring picture and resume.


First Presbyterian Church

500 Hughes St

Cape May, NJ 08204-2316


Expected in attendance:
Gayle Stahlhuth, artistic director of East Lynne Theater Company, who is directing THE RAINMAKER and ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, and Tom Byrn, who is directing SUMMERLAND

Lee O'Connor, stage manager, will be present to read with those auditioning with sides.


See breakdown for show dates.

Rehearsals begin on Monday two weeks before the opening-performance week. Performance weeks are Wednesday through Saturday nights, with the exception that there is no show on July 4, but there will be a show on Sunday, July 7 that week.


Non-union actors will be seen, as long as no Equity actors are kept waiting.

EPA Procedures are in effect for audition.

An Equity monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


by by Arlitia Jones
Director: Tom Byrn
First rehearsal: Monday, May 27
Show runs from June 12 - July 20, Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8:30pm, except no show on July 4, BUT a show on Sunday, July 7 at 8:30pm

In the 1860’s, William M. Mumler claimed he captured spirits of the dead with his camera. An historical-fiction.

Seeking actors for the following:

WILLIAM H. MUMLER - Forty-ish. Large build. Spirit photographer. A Spiritualist. A burdened soul. Not without wit. Possibly delusional; possibly a confidence man; possibly in touch with the Beyond.

JOSEPH TOOKER - Late Twenty-ish or around Thirty. Slight build. Investigator. Enforcer. Agitated. Aggressive. Self-doubting. Possibly self-righteous; possibly guilty. Of a Secret.

MRS. MUMLER - Thirty-ish to Forty-ish. Wife of Mumler. An enigma. Sleepwalks and is sharply awake. Obedient and defiant. Possibly an Enchantress. Possibly a double agent. Possibly loyal to her husband. Or only to herself.

by N. Richard Nash
During the Depression, the West is dry. Enter Starbuck who claims he can make it rain.
Director: Gayle Stahlhuth
First rehearsal: Monday, July 8
Show runs from July 24 - August 31, Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8:00pm

Seeking actors for the following:

H.C. CURRY - mid-50's, powerful, capable, kind

NOAH - the oldest of H.C.'s siblings, he has no imagination and is somewhat self-righteous and opinionated

JIM - H.C's youngest, early 20's, not a deep thinker, and very much in love

LIZZIE - H.C.'s daughter, late 20's, who has become accustomed to taking care of her father and brothers, yet, deep in her soul, she longs for romance.

FILE - late 30's, lean, who smiles wryly at the world and at himself

SHERIFF THOMAS - older than File, with a sense of humor

BILL STARBUCK - age range 30-40, lithe, agile, a braggart and a dreamer, filled with imagination

by Joseph Kesselring
Director: Gayle Stahlhuth
First rehearsal: Monday, September 2
Show runs from September 18 - October 12, Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8:00pm

This show is returning from last year, but actors may audition in case there are replacements in the cast

Seeking actors for possible replacements ONLY:

ABBY BREWSTER – a darling spinster who mixes arsenic with wine, age range 65-70

MARTHA BREWSTER - Abby’s kindly sister, who shares her sister's love of arsenic and wine, age range 65-70

TEDDY BREWSTER - their nephew who thinks he’s Teddy Roosevelt, age range 35-45

MORTIMER BREWSTER - another nephew who is a theater critic and recently engaged, age range 30-40

JONATHAN BREWSTER - a third nephew who is running away from the law, and looks a bit like Boris Karloff, age range 35-50

DR. EINSTEIN - Jonathan’s sidekick, who enjoys alcoholic beverages

ELAINE HARPER - Mortimer’s fiancé and a minister’s daughter, age range 25-35

REV. DR. HARPER – Elaine’s no-nonsense father (this actor also plays MR. GIBBS, a would-be tenant in the Brewster Sisters’ boarding house, and OFFICER ROONEY - a veteran policeman), age range 45-60

OFFICER KLEIN – understanding, kind policeman, age range 30-40

OFFICER O’HARA - another policeman and a would-be playwright, age range 30-40

MR. WITHERSPOON - the superintendant of Happy Dale Sanitorium, age range 60-75

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to audition.

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