RAGTIME - The Marriott Theatre Non Equity Auditions

Posted November 13, 2017
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RAGTIME - The Marriott Theatre

The Marriott Theatre is seeking headshot and resume submissions for young performers for their 2018 production of RAGTIME. Specifically look to cast the following roles:

  • Little Boy (8 – 10): Son of Mother and Father, the little boy is the narrative voice for much of the show. Precocious, intelligent, observant, and curious, the little boy is constantly learning about the world around him. Caucasian- Strong singer and actor.
  • Little Girl (8 – 12): Tateh’s daughter, she is a young Eastern European immigrant. Quiet and reserved at the beginning, but grows more animated and happier when she leaves New York City. Eastern European - Strong singer and actor.
  • Coalhouse Walker III (4-6): Sarah and Coalhouse’s young son. Makes a brief appearance at the very end of the show. African American – charismatic actor.

Rehearsals begin January 8th, and the show closes on March 25th. For consideration, please email a headshot and resume to Casting@MarriottTheatre.com by Friday November 17th. Performers will be contacted only if an audition is requested by the casting team.

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