Wellesley Summer Theatre
– Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT in MA
Wellesley MA NEAT (salary level pending; 2009-2010 minimum weekly salary: $273).
Artistic Director / Stage Director: Nora Hussey
Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Alumnae Hall
AND Wellesley College Campus
Friday, September 17, 2010 Wellesley MA
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM both days.
Lunch from 12 - 1. Directions:
For a five-minute appointment or more information, call (781) 283-2678. Equity Members without appointments will be seen throughout the audition day, as time permits.
Auditions will be in 5-minute slots. Actors may choose to read one or more scenes from the season’s plays, perform one or more monologues of their choice, or prepare a combination of scene(s) and monologues(s) from other sources. Scripts are available for perusal at the StageSource office, 88 Tremont Street, Boston.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
2010-11 Season:
Note: Theatre states that all Equity-contract roles (see below) in the upcoming season have been cast with members of its “existing company”. Auditioning performers will be considered as possible replacements, should any become necessary.
By Alfred Uhry
1st rehearsal: 12/16/10. Runs: 1/6 – 1/30/11
Reba: CAST. Late 40s/early 50s. A gentle, if somewhat scattered woman. Life hasn’t been easy but she still has an innocence that is guiless and charming.
Boo: CAST. 50ish. A serious and somewhat edgy woman. Her concern for her daughter makes her a
Bit difficult at times.
Adolph: CAST. 50s. Soft body-hard mind. A pillar of the business community.
Peachy: CAST. Late 20s. Self important, brash,a jokester to the core.
By Leslie Ayvazian.
1st rehearsal: 5/10/11. Runs: 6/2 – 6/26/11
Pop: CAST.65-75. Patriarch of the family and keeper of the flame of their history.
Armine: CAST.45-50. His daughter and mother to Ani. She is strong and disciplined and deeply loving to her family.
John: CAST. 45-55. Her husband, long suffering and kindly although often irked by the noise of family life.
Aunt Louise. CAST. 45-55. John’s sister, a bit of a hypocondriac and prone to histrionics.
Uncle Garo. CAST. 45-55. Husband to Louise and often overwhelmed by the intensity of his in-laws.