Storybook Musical Theatre 2010-11 Season
– EPAs by Appointment in PA
Abington, PA TYA; $69 per performance.
Housing/per diem not provided for out-of-town actors
Artistic Director: Patricia Goldberg
Producer/Executive Director: Marc S. Goldberg
Musical Director: Nancy Wiker
Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT:
Saturday, September 11, 2010 at the Mitchell Performing Arts Center
10 AM – 2 PM 800 Tomlinson Rd.
And (between Huntingdon Pk., Rt. 232 and Buck Rd)
Monday, September 13, 2010 Huntingdon Valley, PA. 19006.
12 PM – 4 PM
For an appointment, call 215-659-8550, Mon-Fri, 10 am – 4 pm, beginning 8/30. AEA members without appointments will be seen as time permits.
Prepare a song to show vocal range. Bring sheet music in proper key; an accompanist will be provided. Brief reading from sides provided. Visually impaired performers may request sides in advance upon making an appointment.
Bring picture and resume, stapled together.
1st rehearsal: 12/9/10. Runs: 12/15 – 1/15/11
Snow White: ingénue, soprano; friendly, trusting, and loving princess. Must be at least 5’6”or taller.
Queen: late 20s to 40s belt mezzo-soprano/soprano; vain, selfish, uses her powers ruthlessly. She is extremely jealous of Snow White.
Mirror, Huntsman, Prince: played by one actor, 25-35 years old, baritone-bass; is the haunting voice and image in magic mirror, the dutiful Huntsman to the Queen, but has a very human conscience, and the typical fairy tale Prince who is a little larger than life.
Miners Sunny and Braggy: played by one actor/actress, 25-40, baritone or mezzo-soprano, preferably 5’3”or shorter. Sunny is very happy, peppy, optimistic and the leader of the miners. Braggy is a braggart and has a very strong personality.
Miners Hungry and Boss: played by one actor/actress, Baritone or mezzo-soprano, preferably 5’3”or shorter. 25-40 years old. Hungry is happy-go-lucky miner who is always hungry. He loves to eat anything. Boss is always trying to take control of the situation and has a very strong personality.
Miners Pokey, Ari and Jumpy: played by one actor/actress, baritone or mezzo-soprano, preferably 5’3”or shorter, 25 to 40 years old. Pokey is a little slow in gait as well in mind, but is very loveable, Ari is mute and mimes everything. He/she is very smart. Jumpy is very nervous and easily frightened. He/she does not like new situations.
1st rehearsal: 2/23/11. Runs: 2/28 – 3/13/11
Voorhees the Vain, the Emperor: 35-50, baritone; the boorish vain ruler of the Village of Allbefolly. He loves to get new clothes at any cost.
Minnimaster: 25-50 male, baritone-tenor; He is the right hand man to the Emperor and is a ‘yes’ man, always trying to please and never making his own decisions.
Pennimeister: 25-50 female, mezzo-soprano-soprano; the finance minister who accounts to every piece of gold, but still gives in to the Emperor’s foolish spending habits
Sid: 25-35, baritone-tenor; the lead swindler who talks in rhyme with his partner Sam. A very physical comedic role.
Sam: 25-35, baritone-tenor; the younger swindler, who talks in rhyme with his partner Sid who he will follow anywhere. A very physical comedic role.
Madeline: 25-50, mezzo-soprano; a poor village married to Tom. She is very cynical and sarcastic about life.
Tom: 25-50, beritone-tenor; a poor villager married to Madeline. He is not very clever, and a bit henpecked, but adores his wife. Needs good comic timing.
1st rehearsal: 4/28/11. Runs: 5/3 – 8/6 with hiatus 6/6 – 7/25
Jack: 18-25, juvenile, tenor; a poor, but adventurous young boy. Has a mind of his own and does what he likes, but is respectful to his mother.
Otto, the Ogre: 35-50, bass-baritone; lives at the top of the beanstalk. Is a very selfish, hard-hearted, not very bright oaf. Physical comedic role.
Jack’s Mother: 30-45, mezzo-soprano; Single mom, works hard and tirelessly to make ends meet. She is overprotective of her son, Jack.
Gertrude: 35-45, alto/mezzo-soprano; Married to Otto the Ogre. She is very patient and takes good care of him. She is bored and lonely with her housewife life, because she no one else to talk to. Physical comedic role.
For more information, visit