PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Equity Principal Audition - Seattle Repertory Theatre Auditions

Posted February 1, 2017
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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE - Seattle Repertory Theatre

Pride and Prejudice - Seattle EPA

Seattle Repertory Theatre | Seattle, WA


Friday, February 10, 2017

10:00 AM


6:00 PM

Lunch: 1:30PM - 2:30PM


Please set up your appt in person by signing up in advance at the Seattle Rep Stage Door during business hours. Closed weekends.


LORT Non-Rep

LORT B Minimum - $861/wk


All Equity Actors are welcome to audition at our EPA for Pride and Prejudice. All ethnicities and gender identities are strongly encouraged to submit.


Prepare 1 or 2 contrasting monologues of your choice. Bring a headshot and resume stapled together. Total audition should not exceed 3 minutes.

Seattle Repertory Theatre
155 Mercer St
Seattle, WA 98109-4639

Please enter through the stage door at 540 Warren Ave.


Braden Abraham- Artistic Director, Adapted by Kate Hamill, Directed by Amanda Dehnert, PRESENT AT EPA: Kaytlin McIntyre- Casting Director, Lia Fakhouri- Casting Intern


1st rehearsal 8/29/17, 1st preview9/29/17, Opening 10/4/17, Close10/29/17, Possible Ext 11/5/17


Stage Management positions are available. Please submit resume to: Elisabeth Farwell-Seattle Repertory Theatre PO Box 900923 Seattle, WA 98109

An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


No roles will be understudied. Actors unable to attend this call may submit headshot/resume to


1.) JANE BENNET: Late 20s/ early-mid 30s. The eldest and most beautiful Bennet daughter.?Kind, idealistic, diffident. Always tries to do the right thing. Can be a bit shy. Very close with Lizzy.

Doubles with MISS DE BOURGH - Lady Catherine’s sickly, overbred daughter; communicates mostly in one-word phrases. A nasty, overindulged little gremlin. Rather keen on marrying Mr. Darcy.

2.) LIZZY BENNET: Late 20s – early 30s. Clever, spirited; can be sharp-tongued and cynical. Gets flustered, which makes her klutzy. Prides herself on good judgment. Bit of a goofball. Not particularly beautiful.?NOT interested in catching a man.

3.) LYDIA: 16. The youngest Bennet. Lively, highly impressionable. Can put on airs. Enjoys balls, boys, and being right. Likes to matchmake; overindulged by her mother. Prides herself on cleverness.

Doubles with LADY CATHERINE: 50s. Patrician Caesar-meets-drill sergeant. One of the richest women in England. Everything is beneath her, but nothing is beneath her notice. Capable of being quite casually cruel; thinks she gives excellent advice. Unused to defiance; accustomed to flattery. Capable of being quite coquettish with men of her own social class – of which there are, perhaps, two in the world.

4.) MRS. BENNET: 50s-60s. The matriarch of the Bennet family. The business of her life is to get her daughters married. High energy, high drama, high stakes constantly. Fancies herself a master strategist. Mostly a silly woman of variable temper; serious hypochondriac.


1.) MR. DARCY: Late 30s-40s. One of the richest men in England. Too proper for his own good; awkward in most social contexts. Prides himself on self-control and good judgment. Not always great with words; says the wrong thing with some regularity.

2.) MR. BINGLEY: 30s-40s. Loves the world and the world loves him. Wealthy. Inclined to exaggeration; impossibly good-natured, and thus easily led. A bouncy, impetuous golden retriever of a man.

Doubles with MARY: Late teens-20s. The third Bennet girl, the runt of the litter; prone to pendanticism and sulking. She likes playing the piano (badly) and demonstrating her learnedness. She dislikes being forgotten or left out.

3.)WICKHAM: 30s-40s.?An unfairly handsome and charming gentleman serving as a Lieutenant in the local regiment. Raised with Mr. Darcy, whom he resents; has fallen from grace a bit since his upbringing. Knows just what to say, and just how to say it. Very good with the ladies.

Doubles with MISS BINGLEY: 20s-30s. A very rich young woman, sister to Bingley. Fancies herself very witty. Rather beautiful; impossibly elegant. Determined to land Mr. Darcy, and despises Lizzy Bennet.

Doubles with COLLINS: late 20s-40s. Rector to Lady Catherine, whom he worships like a God and is desperate to impress. A self-important academic. He tries hard to be impressive - unfortunately, he has an idiosyncratic quirk wherein?he cannot quite, ever, land on the right word.

4.) MR. BENNET: 50s-60s. The patriarch of the Bennet family. Finds amusement in absurdity;?often looks for a respectable escape from the chaos of his family?life. Disappointed in his marriage; engages in the kind of long-term psychological warfare that unhappy couples practice. Quite fond of a few of his daughters.

Doubles with CHARLOTTE LUCAS: Late 20s-30s. A practical girl with a good sense of humor. Not from much money. Like Lizzy, not particularly beautiful. Capable of being quite dry and wry. Ends up married to Mr. Collins whom she tolerates with some measure of success.

Please note: Character age range and/or gender identity does not necessarily match the actor's. All characters speak in an RP British dialect. Every role is open to all ethnicities.

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