– Equity Performer Auditions by APPOINTMENT in MA
The Hanover Theatre Worcester MA LOA (approval/salary level pending; 2009 minimum weekly salary: $550).
Adaptation/Dir: Troy Siebels
Music Dir: Tim Evans
Choreographer: Ilyse Robbins
1st reh.: 11/26/10. Runs 12/16-12/23.
Equity Performer Auditions (Principal/Chorus) by APPOINTMENT:
Sunday, September 19, 2010
1 PM – 6 PM
The Hanover Theatre
and 2 Southbridge Street
Worcester MA 01608
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
5 PM – 9 PM
For an appointment, contact Stacey O'Dell,
Staceyleigh@thehanovertheatre.org or call 508-770-0158. Equity Members without appointments will be seen throughout the audition day, as time permits.
Please prepare 16 bars of a song (Holiday or traditional Broadway preferred). Bring sheet music; accompanist provided. In addition, be prepared to read from sides, provided at the audition (and in advance by contacting Ms. O’Dell; see appointment instructions above).
Please bring a picture & resume, stapled together.
Seeking men & women with acting & singing ability; some roles require dance experience:
Bob Cratchit:
25-35, Genuine and honest but understated.
Mr. Fezziwig:
35-55. Boisterous and fun-loving.
20-35. Tumbling/juggling skills.
Ghost of Christmas Future:
Puppeteer; stilt-work/good coordination required.
The roles of Ebenezer Scrooge, Ghost of Jacob Marley, Ghost of Christmas Present, Fred and Young Ebenezer are cast. Auditioning performers will be considered as possible replacements, should any become necessary.
Mrs. Fezziwig:
35-55. Boisterous and fun-loving.
25-40. Rough around the edges.
40-65. Highly superstitious, and a busybody.
18-25. The life of Fred & Millie’s Christmas party.
The roles of Belle and Mrs. Cratchit are cast. Auditioning performers will be considered as possible replacements, should any become necessary.