Call Type Non-Required Principal
Date of Audition 2/17/2013
Location Phoenix Theatre 100 McDowell Road Phoenix, AZ 85004 Little Theatre rehearsal room B
Time(s) Sunday, February 17, 2013 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Appointments No appointment needed for AEA. Please feel free to contact
Contract LOA LOA to LORT - minimum $542/week
Seeking All roles.
Preparation Two 16 Bar cuttings of 1 Rock Ballad and 1 Rock as well as 1 contemporary comedic monologue no longer than 1 minute in length.
Other Dates Rehearsals Begin: Tuesday May 14th, 2013 Tech Begins: Friday May 31st, 2013 Show Opens: Friday June 7th, 2013 Show Closes: Sunday June 23rd, 2013 Possible Extension Week: June 25th-June 30th, 2013
Personnel Michael Barnard (Artistic Director), Ron May (Director) Andrew Kust (musical director) Robbie Harper (Assoc. Artistic Director), Pasha Yamotahari (Asst. to the Artistic director)
Andrew Jackson Male, 22-32 yrs old A roguish, man’s president who is deeply charming and sexy, yet is also an extremely violent, arrogant, bigoted idiot that fights for what he believes in. Range: Bb2 - Bb4
Black Fox Male, 25-35 yrs old Native American chief who is intelligent and somber with a hint of danger. He used to have an alliance with Jackson. Speaking Role
Female Soloist Female, 20-30 yrs old Self-confident, attractive singer with powerful, emotive indie rock voice. Dark, mysterious, hip vibe. Can double as other roles. Range: G3 - B4
Henry Clay Male, 28-36 yrs old An over-the-top, vivacious, tall, cadaverous, and villainous senator with greasy hair who wears weasel pelts. Can double as other roles. Range: D3 - A3
James Monroe Male, 30-40 yrs old Foppish and overwhelmed old-school President of the United States. Can double as other roles. Speaking Role