Call Type Equity Principal
Date of Audition 8/21/2012
Location Claire Simon Casting 1512 N. Fremont Suite 202 Chicago, IL 60612 Suite 204
AppointmentsTime(s) Tuesday, August 21st from 10am-4pm
will be taken by the Equity office beginning Moday, August 6th at 9:30 AM. Call 312-641-0406 9:30 AM-12:30 PM and 3:00-4:30 PM only.
> EPA Rules are in effect. > A monitor will be provided.
Personnel Director: Rod Gailes OBC Casting Director: Stuart Howard
Other Dates First rehearsal: September 3, 2012 First preview: October 2, 2012 Opening: October 7, 2012 Closing: January 6, 2013
Contract CAT Tier 6; actor minimum negotiable
Seeking Male and Female actors. Please see breakdown.
Breakdown A breakdown has been added for this notice. See below.
Preparation Please bring your own choice of a CONTEMPORARY theatrical monologue, drama or comedy. Script available to be read ONLY at the AEA Chicago Office.
Other Producers: Creative Mind Entertainment & OBC Dream Theatre Playwrights: Rod Gailes OBC & James Murray Jackson, Jr.
Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
UNSPEAKABLE covers the span of Richard Pryor’s entire life and is focused on the period between 1967 and 1982. During this period we are able to witness the evolution of the artist as well as the destructive nature of the man. In doing so, we travel to different places and meet a wide range of people who were a part of his life. In order to honor the scope of this landscape and maintain the intimacy of a tight ensemble, seven actors will play multiple roles and work in a way similar to a Greek chorus commenting on the circumstances of certain situations.
Richard – Early 30’s, African-American (Cast James Murray Jackson, understudy only) Controversial, compelling, sometimes shy, sometimes violent but always unpredictable. This self-destructive comedic genius from Peoria, Illinois was raised in a brothel by his grandmother whom he affectionately refers to as “Mama”. Tormented and driven by his personal demons, he turns his life’s pain into comedy. Underneath the bravado and machismo hides a vulnerable soul searching for love.
Ensemble Member #1 (Black Female - Mid 50’s) PLAYS THE FOLLOWING: Mama – Mid 60’s, African-American. A dominating force in Richard’s life, “Mama” is the matriarch of the Pryor family. A tough, loving, straight forward woman, she runs a string of brothels in one of which she raises Richard. Her character functions as part of Richard’s “Conscience trio” (along with Moody and Rat), which mirrors the conflicting thoughts in his head. In flashback moments she is seen in her 40’s.
Ensemble Member #2 (Black Male - Early 30’s CAST: Isaiah Washington; understudy only) PLAYS THE FOLLOWING: Moody Early 30’s, African-American. Blunt, painfully honest and one of Richard closet friends. The genius behind the genius, a fellow comedian and confidante, he supports Richard in good and bad times. His character is also a part of the “conscience trio”. -Leroy – Mid 20’s. Richard’s father. A physically intimidating, honest, harsh, impulsive force in Richard’s life with whom he is never quite able to connect. -Young Blood – Early 30’s, African-American. A partygoer at Richard’s Grammy celebration. He is on a mission to get as high as he can off Richard’s supply. After embarrassing Richard in front of his lady friends Richard flips the script
Ensemble Member #3 (White Female/Mid 20’s-Early 30’s) PLAYS THE FOLLOWING: -Jessica – Late 20’s/early 30’s, Irish-American. Richard’s 4th and 7th wife. A spirited, witty, social climbing singer/actress whose relationship with Richard tests the very soul of her being. She is a female extension and soul mate to Richard. -Rat- Late 20’s/early 30’s. The personification of Richard’s childhood insecurity and pain, she serves as the guide through his innermost feelings of vulnerability and self loathing. Rat functions as a dark partner within the “conscience trio”.
Ensemble Member #4 (Black Female/Mid 20’s-Early 30’s) PLAYS THE FOLLOWING: -Gertrude – Mid 20’s, African – American. Richard’s birth mother who maintains a turbulent relationship with Leroy, Richard’s father. She reluctantly works in Richard’s grandmother’s brothel as a prostitute . Torn between the life that she wants and the life that she is living she decides to leave Richard behind in order to save herself. -Debbie - Mid 20’s. Richard’s 3rd wife. High maintenance and beautiful. She has the ability to be above it all or at least make you feel that you are beneath her. Always one to challenge and stand up for herself she pushes Richard to the breaking point. Shots are fired and in the end her brand new Mercedes is dead. -Lola Falana - Early 30’s. Iconic 70’s Sex Symbol. She has a brief but memorable moment with Richard on the Mike Douglas show. -Rosa – Late 30’s. The owner of Bendelli’s clothing boutique. Stewardess – In her 30’s. A stewardess on the Delta flight that Richard has his episode. -Lady Fiend – Mid 30’s. A desperate, dirty, down-and-out lowlife who’s strung out on that stuff. She’s a hot mess and looks even worse.
Ensemble Member #5 (White Male/Early 30’s- Mid 40’s) -Mike Douglas – Mid 40’s. Host of the Mike Douglas Show. -Smitty – Mid 30’s. Dry, liberal. Radio engineer at KPFA in Berkeley, CA. He runs a tight ship and likes things to happen by the book. Man in audience – Comedy club heckler who becomes irritated by Richards’s erratic behavior. -Jimmy – Early 30’s. A bi-costal drug dealer originally from Long Island now living in LA. Cool and confident, he loves being Richard’s supplier and always seeks to turn him on to new thrills, including freebasing. -Man #1 – Partygoer at Richard’s Grammy celebration. -Customer – One of Gertrude’s loyal customers at the brothel.
Ensemble Member #6 (White / Black Female /Early 20’s - 40’s) -Shelly – Early 30’s. Richard’s 2nd wife and mother to his 4th child Rain. She is married to Richard during his Berkeley transformation. -Heather (Irate Female Caller) – Early 20’s. Calls KPFA one night to complain about the disgusting commentary she just heard live on the station. -Grammy Woman – Late 30’s. She is presenter for the Years Best Comedy Album at the 1975 Grammy Awards. -Female Passenger – 20’s. Kind and patient. She has the pleasure of sitting next to Richard on a flight that turns out to be more than she expected. -Reporter #1 – Press rep who is witness to Richard’s disavowing of the word “Nigger”. -Photographer #2 – She takes pictures at the Grammy celebration party