THE LAST ROMANCE - Equity Principal Auditions in NJ
Bickford Theatre Morristown NJ SPT $237/week minimum.
Artistic Dir / Stage Dir: Eric Hafen
Author: Joe DiPietro
1st reh: 10/22/12. Runs 11/15-12/3.
Equity Principal Auditions:
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Bickford Theatre
10 AM - 6 PM 6 Normandy Heights Road
Lunch from 2 - 2:30. Morristown NJ 07960
Theatre staff begins sign-up at 9 AM.
No appointment necessary. The producer will run all aspects of this call. Equity audition procedures will not be in effect, and no Equity Monitor will be provided.
Please prepare two contrasting contemporary monologues totaling three minutes or less. Please bring a photo and resume, stapled back-to-back.
Seeking (all listed roles are available):
Ralph Bellini: 80 years old. Vigorous and full of life.
Carol Reynolds: 70s. Attractive, proper and well-dressed.
Rose Tagliatelle: 70s. Ralph’s overprotective sister. Doesn’t appreciate change.