Celebrities On Broadway

HollidayForever Profile Photo
#1Celebrities On Broadway
Posted: 8/11/08 at 6:53pm

I must begin by saying, I don't know if this issue has been discussed in the past. If it has, then please forgive me. I just feel the need to get you fine people's opinion about an issue that has been annoying me for some time. After watching Whoopi's rehearsal video from Xanadu on The View (ha ha that rhymed), I was immediately upset and angry. I must begin by saying that I am a huge fan of Whoopi and I think she is a very talented woman, however, it annoyed me that she clearly couldn't handle the demands of the role, Even by her opening night, she didn't seem like she still wasn't there. Granted I understand she had very little time to learn a role. However, there are trained professionals who could do it in less time. Which brings me to my point. Is anyone else annoyed by the caliber of performance celebrities are held to verses a noncelebrity? After reading reviews of her performance, it seems she is still struggling in a role that any other performer would have been fired from. It reminds me of the time I saw Melanie Griffith in Chicago. It was my first Broadway show, and I slept through the whole thing. I remember seeing Ashley Parker Angel in Hairspray and thinking, this is good for him, but this wouldn't pass with someone who isn't a celebrity. I also understand from a producing standpoint why it has to happen. Hell, if I was a producer, I would do it too. I just wish we could live in a world where we can make good art, and not have to be concerned with money or ticket sales. Where trained professionals who are in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt can work in the field they majored in. In case your wondering...yes I'm a theater major...and yes I'm a little bitter. Although Fantasia in Color Purple was quite amazing...that is when she showed up. But seriously, I am making a plea to America, can we please stop supporting these celebrities who should stick to their respective fields. Or at least put them all in the musical Chicago...because at this point its getting quite impressive to see who they bring in. I'm still hoping for Brittney Spears. Okay, I'm done my random ranting for the day, sorry if you wasted time to read this...Last thing....John Travolta....ummmmm...God Awful....please don't kill me.

shh282 Profile Photo
#2re: Celebrities On Broadway
Posted: 8/11/08 at 7:10pm

Firstly, I personally have adored John Travolta since I was about... 7 or 8. Just saying, although I agree with you to an extent- I find it kind of ridiculous that you place all 'celebrities' under the same category and feel you have the knowledge to say whether or not they belong on the stage. There are many 'celebrities' who have been trading between the silver screen and the stage for many years, some of who started on stage - but just because they're bigger on the big screen means they can't return to where they got their start? and Yes, There are certain shows who do casting in order to bring in crowds- such as APA to Hairspray, among others. That is the producers business to do that, and you seem to acknowledge it but if you do than I don't understand the point of this thread?