Black Mirror season 3

#1Black Mirror season 3
Posted: 7/13/22 at 12:50pm

Has anyone seen the first episode “Nosedive” of the third season? It looks like this is for real. Our society can become the same at any moment. Already a vast part of our life is tied to Instagram. When people lose access to their accounts, they feel a huge loss because their whole life is there! We put on makeup to make a beautiful photo on Insta, and we buy things to diversify our profile pictures. We smile because such selfies get more engagement. We turn important events of our lives into newsworthy stories to highlight them beautifully on Instagram and get more IG likes. People even break up to achieve a greater reach.

We are not that far from what is shown on “Nosedive.” When we choose the cafe, we check the number of likes on its posts on Insta. We buy likes for our profiles to look more credible. Influencers seek influencers to have fun with to strengthen their positions on Social Media. People make money from sharing the photos they kept in the album far in their wardrobe before. What do you think about it?

We know more about people surrounding us from Instagram rather than directly from human-to-human communication with them. We choose online communication over real-life conversations. We stream live videos to reach more people online to save time communicating with each of them separately IRL.

I believe we should revise our attitude toward Instagram. Do we need this constant process of gaining likes? Why don’t we just live our lives? Newspapers, radios, banners - outdated. We spend our lives online instead.

Let me know what you think about this episode. Do you have similar thoughts or any else? I will attach a few articles below for you to dig into the topic of how Instagram has grabbed our attention and lives.

Related Resources:
Daily time spent on social networking by internet users worldwide from 2012 to 2022 
Instagram statistics you need to know for 2022 
Black Mirror: What The Show’s Ominous Title Really Means

Updated On: 7/15/22 at 12:50 PM