
Random Question: Have You Seen “Our American Cousin”?

Random Question: Have You Seen “Our American Cousin”?

PatrickDC Profile Photo
#1Random Question: Have You Seen “Our American Cousin”?
Posted: 3/20/20 at 1:47am

Taking this shelter in place time to catch up on some theater reading. I was reading about “Our American Cousin,” the play Lincoln was watching when he was assassinated. While I’ve heard the name of the play all my life, I’ve never heard of it being performed. Despite its connection to the tragedy, it remained very popular and was frequently performed through the rest of the 19th century. Given the era, I’d think it would have been banned out of respect to the president.

I’m curious if anyone has ever seen a production? I assume it’s quite dated by today’s standards.

This is an interesting line:

“Don't know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal — you sockdologizing old man-trap!”

Apparently it was quite funny when delivered on stage: 

“‘Sockdologizing’ is best known for its role in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The line containing sockdologizing was chosen by John Wilkes Booth as his cue to shoot Lincoln, as he knew from experience that it was the play's most amusing line, and he hoped the audience's laughter would cover the sound of the shot.

Booth knew the play by heart and knew exactly when the line would be said, Act III, Scene 2. When he leapt to the stage, and before Major Rathbone sounded the alert about the shooting, most of the audience of 1,700 at the sold out Ford’s Theater assumed it was part of the play. Some even recognized the actor so it was not a stretch to see him on the stage. Ford’s was full probably because newspapers posted the president’s daily schedule in detail.”

darquegk Profile Photo
#2Random Question: Have You Seen “Our American Cousin”?
Posted: 3/20/20 at 10:45am

The only time you'll see this play performed today is in reenactments of Lincoln's assassination. According to Wikipedia, part of the show's success was the clowning and improvisation of the original lead actor, who took the part and riffed heavily on it. 

None of that is written down in the official script, so it comes across as rather flat on paper and in revivals unless you improvise the same way.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#3Random Question: Have You Seen “Our American Cousin”?
Posted: 3/20/20 at 2:46pm

Yes.  But on the night after the assassination.