
Donmar Day seats (advice for this Sat!)

Donmar Day seats (advice for this Sat!)

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#1Donmar Day seats (advice for this Sat!)
Posted: 3/7/12 at 5:20am

Ok so first of all SoonerOrLater is a first class muppet who has managed to book 1 ticket for the Matinee and 1 for the evening of 'The Recruiting Officer'

My plan as it stands is to try and get one day ticket to match the matinee one so wondered if anyone has done that for this and if so what time they got there/how many were there.

Secondly if anyone wants a ticket for the evening please let me know. (face value, will be there to deliver in person etc etc)

And feel free to call me an idiot. I work in a theatre and I manage this.

Maybe I'm on nobody's side http://phdconfessions.blogspot.com/